200-300 words reflection summary, don’t copy please, no plagiarism , be pro plz

Feb 5, 2025

Your original post should be in the range of 200-300 words, and you should address one or more of the following questions in your post:

  • Do you think the husband is racist? Why or why not?
  • Do you think the husband is sexist? Why or why not?
  • Is he a good guy? Why might he say what he does? How do you interpret him as a character?
  • Do you think this story is more about race or more about gender? Why?
  • Do you think the story accurately portrays differences in men and women?
  • Do your own experiences relate to this story in any way?

Whatever combination of questions you choose to address in your response, be sure to have a clear main idea (or ideas) and support what you say with examples from the story and clear reasoning.

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200-300 words reflection summary, don’t copy please, no plagiarism , be pro plz
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Articel : http://mainecontentliteracyproject.org/lessons/H4/Lesson%207a%20Say%20Yes%20by%20Tobias%20Wolff.pdf

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