mod 2
ell us about an event that happened in your life that changed your life forever. I know this mission trip to Guatemala changed my kids. They become more appreciative of food and life in the U.S.:
Tell us two pet peeves, something that bothers you about a situation or what another person does, that you have and why.
Keep in mind that you have to write a post like you would any other assignment–it is not a text. You must proofread it carefully before you post it. You have to capitalize the “I” within the sentences. You must use regular English and not texting language. You receive 25 points for this assignment. Your first post should be eight sentences minimum worth 15 points. Your two replies should be three sentences each worth 5 points each. I do count off for too many errors in a post.
I really would like it if you would post early in the week rather than waiting until Sunday to write your post and replies. It is like being an actor at a play and reading your lines after the audience has left.
Keep on writing,
Dr. J
PLEASE READ: I correct your assignments and give you feedback. If you follow my feedback, you can make a better grade on your next assignment. Many module assignments build one after another, and if you do not read my feedback, I have to take points off over and over again that you could have fixed for the next assignment.
I want you to become better writers for your other classes that will require reports and essays. This course gets you ready by having you apply APA in-text citations and references. When the assignments state you should have two outside sources, you should as a general rule use one or two quotes from each source to back up your thoughts. DO NOT type up words that are not your own unless you put it in quotes and give credit.
For the highest grade on your Check Your Understanding work, I want you to use a couple quotes or paraphrases to back up what you are saying about the essay. Also, write a Reference Page for the essay. You will get used to doing this every time, and you will be very comfortable in using APA in the future.
Attached is a help sheet for commas. Also attached are some notes from me and from the Purdue Owl Writing Center about how to use APA formatting. I have also attached a sample of how to write Module 2 Check Your Understanding. If you are a scholar of APA, and you find I have a comma off, please let me know. If I cannot find an exact example on Purdue Owl, I use my own interpretation, and maybe you know of another way other than how I did it. Please look at the reference page section because it shows you how to do an essay/article within a textbook like what you have EACH time for the Check Your Understanding assignments. If you read these documents, you most likely will apply it, and thus you will make a higher grade on your assignments. I went through a lot of extra work to give you this help. I have basically shown you how to do your Module 2 Check Your Understanding assignment. Good luck!
Thank you to all of you serving or who have served in the military. My daughter and son in law at the Marine Ball in SLC November 10, 2014.
mod 3
Posted by Dr. Janet Novotny at 03/27/14 09:51 PM
Welcome to Week 3.
Please use your creativity and sensory language in this discussion forum. Write a detailed description of the taste of anger, the sound of sadness, and the color of love. I really want you to impress me.
Do you think anger is acceptable and how do you personally control it and why? How do you know you are in love?
Write at least a minimum of eight sentences for your original post and three sentences for your reply. Write a high-quality post that is error free. Please capitalize your “I,” punctuate, and use proper sentence structure.
If your original post is error free and fulfills the minimum requirements, you will receive 15 points. You will receive 5 points for each post–if each post fulfills the requirements.