Mr. Black
Subject: Analyzing my writing process and suggesting improvements
The purpose of this memo is to describe some of my past experiences with writing. I have tried
to explain the process I have been inclined upon to write papers, analyze this process by stating
its strengths and weaknesses, while comparing it to other writing processes, and suggesting a
new and improved process.
This memo stresses about the process that I am inclined to use to write papers, and the specific
and detailed steps and includes diagrams. I will explain and analyze these steps. After that, I will
compare them to other writing techniques. In the end I will propose a newly improved writing
Old Writing Process
The first step I use before writing a paper is to plan my essay, by reading the grading rubric and
instructions to see the requirements of the essay. Secondly, I would choose a topic that I am
most comfortable with and this is usually the most difficult step for me. Thirdly, I would do some
research on the topic that I choose. In this process I collect points. Fourthly, I would brainstorm
all my ideas using the data I collected.
The next step is to organize and structure my essay by coming up with the thesis statement. I
would usually do an outline before doing a draft, and I start with the body paragraph. I normally
start with a topic sentence, followed by a supporting sentence, an example, and finally a
concluding sentence. After finishing all the body paragraphs, I would write the concluding
paragraph by summarizing the whole essay and include a quote or call for action to make my
essay more memorable. I end up writing the introduction at the end because it is the hardest
and also the most important paragraph of all, as it attracts readers. After completing an outline
for the essay, I would start writing the essay. Finally, I would include the references.
The final step is proofreading my essay. In this step, I re-read my essay many times. I would
improve my essay by making sure that it flows. In addition to that, I would check for spelling and
grammar errors. Usually, I would have someone else to re-read my essay.
Here is a diagram that most represents my writing process (fFigure 1):
Analysis of Writing Process
After analyzing my writing process, I found out that I have both strengths and weaknesses . My
strength is that I organize my essay by doing it step by step. For instance, I would make an
outline first before doing the essay. In other words, I would usually plan and visualize first before
doing my essay. I think that this is important, as the essay would be less confusing. Mentally, it
also helps me to get started with the writing task given, as I would not have to worry about
writing the whole essay from the beginning, instead, I could start with collecting information.
My weakness is that most of the times I could never get to choose a good topic to write , leading
to inertia in starting the writing. The reason for this is that I am apprehensive of not finding
enough resources to write on and end up with the risk of choosing a commonplace or a boring
topic, which could be of no interest to the readers . Another weakness is that I usually struggle to
write the introductory and the concluding paragraphs.
Suggested Improvements to Writing Process
The first step for me to improve my writing process is to overcome the problem of choosing a
topic. As a solution for this problem, I need to brainstorm, by listing down all the possible topics
that I could write about. I could also do this by browsing the Internet for list of topics. The
second step is to eliminate the topics that I find least interesting or the topics that I am least
confident or comfortable with. For instance, I need to eliminate the topics that I think I would not
have much to talk about. The third step is to do a research and find out which topic has the most
resources. The final step is to decide on a topic and stick to it.
To help me with writing the introductory paragraph, I could start with a question like “What is a
memo?” I could also start with a quotation, shocking data or a personal story. If there is a
question, it should always be answered. Finally, I have to state the thesis statement.
As for the concluding paragraph, I have to sum up the main points and restate the thesis
statement in the paragraph to remind the reader what he had learned from reading the essay.
Finally I have to put in a last thought into the essay, like, a call for action or a quote.
Proposed New Writing Process
After implementing the improvements, my process of choosing a topic would be easier and I
could start writing my essay earlier. I would browse the Internet for possible topics. With this, I
do not have to worry about writing the whole essay from scratch, as I would start doing it step by
step. After doing these new steps, I would carry on with the process that I normally do. Sticking
to the topic that I choose is important, as it would be better for me to spend my time in improving
my essay on this topic rather than re-doing the essay with a new topic.
I have described some of my experiences with writing in the past, by explaining the process I
normally use to write papers, analyzing this process by stating my strengths, like organizing and
structuring the outline before I write it and weaknesses, like struggling with choosing a topic,
writing the introduction and the concluding paragraph. I also suggested new and improved
process, like browsing the Internet for ideas and eliminat inge the topics that are not interesting.
It is also important to stick to it. A quote or question for the introductory paragraph and restating
the thesis statement, summarizing the main points and a final thought for the concluding
paragraph. With this, I could learn how to improve my writing skills and I would apply what I
have learned from this task into my future writing assignments.
Memo 1 (Writing Process): 75 points
Audience / Purpose
The purpose is clearly stated and
its significance explained (the
main idea will make sense even
to someone who is not taking this
The student’s old writing process
is explained and analyzed, and a
new (improved) process is
Support / Organization
The student uses logical analysis,
specific examples, and at least
one image/diagram to support the
main ideas.
15 / 20
-issues on the sentence level
sometimes interfere with
20 / 20
The document makes use of an
introduction and conclusion,
subheadings, topic sentences, and
transitions between paragraphs to
help guide the reader through the
student’s thought process.
Tone / Style
The document uses business
memo format as explained by the
textbook (and the sample format
sheet on Carmen), including
15 / 20
captions and in-text references
for images.
-include captions for images
The tone and style are
Sentence Level
The writing is clear and concise
on the sentence level, with few
grammatical errors or typos.
5 / 15
Overall Effectiveness
55 / 75 points