Answer the following question base on readings in Food Matters

Apr 3, 2024

All of these essays are about justice in some way, either for workers or for a more just food system at the macro level. Answer a brief question about each reading to help facilitate our discussion. Feel free to answer in a few sentences for each question There is no min word count, just be sure to answer each question thoroughly. Write enough to answer the question. 

1. For Holtz-Gimenez, how does structural racism affect the food system? How is it connected to his call for land justice?

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2. For Bowens, how does the legacy of racial and economic injustice affect the food system in the United States? What kinds of evidence does she give to support her assertions? 

3. For Marosi, what is the difference between how produce and how people are treated on Mexico’s farms? Cite a specific example for each. 

4. For Lappe, explain in detail what she means when she says that global hunger problems are “not caused by a scarcity of food but by a scarcity of democracy.” 

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