Euthyphro questions
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1. What is Euthyphro’s first definition of the pious and the impious?
2. How does Euthyphro refine this definition according to Socrates’ request to find a form of all pious and impious things?
- What problems does Socrates uncover with this definition?
- In reference to these objections, how does Euthyphro further refine the definition of the pious and the impious?
- What question does Socrates ask Euthyphro to consider when he has agreed to this second definition of the pious and the impious?
- What point does Socrates make about carrying and being carried, seeing and being seen, and loving and being loved?
- Why does Socrates think that the god-beloved is not the same as the pious and the pious is not the same as the god-beloved?
- What part of justice is piety?
- How does this discussion lead to another definition of the pious?
- What problems does Socrates identify with this definition of the pious?
- Why does Euthyphro agree that piety is knowledge of how to give to and beg from the gods?
- What follows from the gods receiving no benefits from us?
- What is the problem with the definition of piety that finally arises from the discussion?