apu engl101 Week 2- Essay/Checklist 1- Writing to Share Experience

Apr 10, 2024

Assignment Instructions

Essay/Checklist 1: Writing to Share Experience
Write a narrative in which you tell about an experience that affected you in a positive way. Write your narrative for a general audience that would include your classmates. Write in the first person (I, me, we, us), and tell the story from your viewpoint. All essays should be in MLA format and contain the checklist memo for Essay 1. Your essay should be between 500-750 words.

All essays will be automatically submitted to Turnitin.com when you submit your essay.

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Here is the checklist for your first essay. All questions should be answered in complete sentences and should be submitted to the text box. Do not submit your essay in the textbox. Attach only the essay to the assignment; do not include the Writer’s Checklist Questions with your essay submission! WARNING: you may NOT use this paper for any other class. Using this paper for any other class is a form of academic dishonesty.

Writer’s Checklist for Writing a Narrative Essay:

  1. How does my title and introduction make my essay enticing?
  2. How is my thesis effective?
  3. What details have I included so the reader can visualize my experience?
  4. How are the events presented in a logical sequence?
  5. How have I used transitions to help the sequence of events flow smoothly?
  6. Have I used a consistent point of view and verb tense?
  7. What is the point of my narrative?
  8. How does the ending of my story make this a satisfactory ending?
  9. What steps did I take to proofread thoroughly?

(Adapted from Write Now, pp. 110-111)

Attached are a sample template and the grading rubric for this essay.

DISCLAIMER: Remember, originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

The Final Draft of Essay 1 is due by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday of Week 2.

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