Digital Literacy Read the following document on digital literacies: Watch the following YouTube video on digital literacy: Write through the following prompts: What makes digital literacy...
DIS BOARD 9 QUESTION: While you are working on your rough draft and structuring your argument, share on this board what is your counterargument in your paper. Why did you choose this counterargument and what are your rebuttals for it?
Reflection How have your ideas on writing, rhetoric, and literacy changed overall over the course of this semester? Or what do you need to learn more about or experience in a different way in order to be more comfortable with academic writing in general? How could you...
Discussion: Technology And Writing Part 1: Personal Digital Liter Write about the following: What technologies do you use in your everyday life? What kinds of writing/reading/literacy/sensory experiences happen on the devices? Have you used Chat GPT or another...
C ACTIVITY 7 There was once a man who had never seen an eagle. One day a magnificent eagle landed on his windowsill, and when he saw it, he exclaimed, “What an ugly creature!” The man grabbed the eagle and pulled it into his house. “First, I’m going to fix that curved...
DB 1 For this discussion topic, I’m asking an open-ended question as to whether you feel contract law, and by extension, contracts, are essential to businesses. If you agree that contracts are essential to business, explain why you feel that way and provide at...