Causal Analysis Outline
A. Introduction
a. What is your religious, spiritual, philosophical, or socio-cultural belief?
b. Why is your belief system important to your identity? Identify the purpose of writing this essay.
c. Thesis statement
B. Cause- Where do these ideas stem from?
a. Focus in more closely one cause that led to your religious, spiritual, philosophical, or socio-cultural identity (maybe family or culture)
b. How exactly did this cause lead to your identity?
C. Cause- where do these ideas stem from?
a. Focus on another cause that led to your identity (maybe location or culture)
b. How exactly did this cause lead to your identity?
D. Tipping Point- time of determination
a. Think of a specific time or event where you decided that this is your identity and that you will firmly stand by this identity.
b. Narrate the significance of this moment. How exact did this moment or event solidify your religious, spiritual, philosophical, or socio-cultural identity.
E. Effect
a. What are some effects of your belief system?
b. Think about change in attitude or beliefs because of your journey.
F. Effect- social action
a. What do you do now due to your identity?
b. List a few public activities that you involve yourself in due to your identity.
G. Conclusion
a. How do you think your future will be due to your religious, spiritual, philosophical, or socio-cultural identity?
b. Speculate some future goals that involve your identity.