Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience.

Apr 10, 2024

Introduction: Establishes a specific topic and approach and sets an appropriate tone/mood for the rest of the essay. Engages the reader and creates interest.
Coherence and unity: Ideas flow clearly and logically as essay is developed. Each paragraph contains one main idea (with enough detail to develop that idea clearly and logically) and a connection to the ideas that precede and follow it. Clear transitions are present between sentences as well as between paragraphs. Author remains focused
on the topic.
Support for ideas: Adequate detail and accurate support provided for each idea introduced. Specific, accurate, and relevant examples are used to show meaning. Essay does not simply make blanket claims without support.
Sentence structure: Sentences are varied in both structure and length. Sentences are complete, expressive, clear, and to the point. No run-on sentences or fragments.
Spelling and word choice: Essay is free of
spelling errors. Appropriate language is chosen for each situation, fitting the mood/tone set in the introduction. Word choice complements, does not inhibit, clarity.
Punctuation: Essay is free of errors such as comma splices, misplaced commas, and inappropriate end punctuation. All punctuation is used correctly so as not to interfere with comprehension.
Grammar: Essay uses correct and consistent verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, clear pronoun-antecedent agreement, and so on. Grammar errors do not interfere with comprehension.
Conclusion: Provides adequate closure and reinforces the meaning/significance established in the introduction. Effectively wraps up the essay.

How to write the essay:
• Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience. Remember that you must utilizeyour first-hand experience to prove your authority to write on a topic. Purely generalized and/orfactual information is not acceptable.
• Write in your own words, from your perspective or point of view, using the pronoun “I.”• Capture your reader’s attention with an interesting introductory paragraph.• Use specific examples from your personal experience.• Use concrete or vivid words.• Use complete sentences, varying your sentence length and structure.• Use fully developed paragraphs, where each paragraph has only one main idea with enoughsupporting details to develop that idea clearly and logically• Write a total of 750 to 2,500 words on your topic. (If your essay is typed and double-spaced, yourfinal draft should be between three and ten pages)

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