Part 1
Create an example of an exercise that a teacher
might carry out during a 20-minute segment of a seventh-grade social studies
class. Complete the following:
•Begin by writing a terminal performance
objective for the segment. Choose your own topic, issue, or opportunity as the
basis of your design. The exercise should clearly call for the students and
teacher to work in a behaviorist mode. Both learners and teacher should be
active in their participation during the segment. Create an assessment for the
•After you have described the exercise, how it
will be conducted, and any materials that would be associated with it, explain
how it fits the characteristics of behaviorism and why you think this exercise
and this approach would be appropriate for the class.
Part 2
Create an example of an exercise that a trainer
might carry out during a 30-minute segment of a four- hour supervisory
leadership course. Complete the following:
•Begin by writing a terminal performance
objective for the segment. Choose an appropriate topic, issue, or opportunity
as the basis for construction of the exercise. The exercise should clearly use
principles of behaviorism as its theoretical structure, and it should
illustrate a behaviorist approach in learning and instruction. The exercise
should engage both the learners and the instructor in active participation.
Create an assessment for the exercise.
•Write an explanation of the exercise to discuss
the ways in which it illustrates behaviorism, and discuss which behavioral principles
or characteristics are used as the basis for design. Explain how the exercise
would be appropriate for the topic, need, or opportunity for which it is
Create an example of an exercise that a teacher
might carry out during a 20-minute segment of a seventh-grade social studies
class. Complete the following:
•Begin by writing a terminal performance
objective for the segment. Choose your own topic, issue, or opportunity as the
basis of your design. The exercise should clearly call for the students and
teacher to work in a behaviorist mode. Both learners and teacher should be
active in their participation during the segment. Create an assessment for the
•After you have described the exercise, how it
will be conducted, and any materials that would be associated with it, explain
how it fits the characteristics of behaviorism and why you think this exercise
and this approach would be appropriate for the class.
Part 2
Create an example of an exercise that a trainer
might carry out during a 30-minute segment of a four- hour supervisory
leadership course. Complete the following:
•Begin by writing a terminal performance
objective for the segment. Choose an appropriate topic, issue, or opportunity
as the basis for construction of the exercise. The exercise should clearly use
principles of behaviorism as its theoretical structure, and it should
illustrate a behaviorist approach in learning and instruction. The exercise
should engage both the learners and the instructor in active participation.
Create an assessment for the exercise.
•Write an explanation of the exercise to discuss
the ways in which it illustrates behaviorism, and discuss which behavioral principles
or characteristics are used as the basis for design. Explain how the exercise
would be appropriate for the topic, need, or opportunity for which it is
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Create an example of an exercise that a teacher might carry
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