Demonstrate how the ending of “Young Goodman Brown” is the conclusion

Apr 10, 2024

1. Write a short essay of between 2 and 2.5 double spaced pages; this essay will have a
title page and a bibliographic page.
2. This essay is to be sent as a Word or PDF. Do not use GoogleDocs, or any that is
not a standard word processing program.
3. Make sure you and avoid merely summarizing the short story. Instead, provide
analysis that provides a logical explanation of your position based on evidence
provided from the short story you have chosen.
4. Use at least one of the “critical approaches to reading” found in the content section
of Blackboard course listing to support your argument. Read this section carefully
and look at the examples to see how they are used before you write. Remember, that
author does not use the approach, you do!
5. Check out the following site before you write your essay:
Writing Options (Choose only one)
A. Demonstrate how the ending of “Young Goodman Brown” is the conclusion of a logical

argument presented by Hawthorne. Make sure to identify the premise of this logical
argument, what features of the story provide the inferences of this argument, and what
makes what you believe to be the conclusion provable.
B. Analyze the ending of “Young Goodman Brown.” How might this ending allow
Hawthorne to critique human nature, American society, and American history?
C. Analyze the role of three types of setting in “Young Goodman Brown.” How does
Hawthorne’s use of physical, historical, and cultural setting impact the story?
3. Analyze “Rip Van Winkle” as a work of allegory that provides commentary on the value

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Demonstrate how the ending of “Young Goodman Brown” is the conclusion
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of citizen participation in American democracy. Make sure to identify what historical and
cultural references in the story make your argument provable.
4. Interpret the role of a flat character in “Young Goodman Brown” or “Rip Van

Winkle.” In writing this interpretive essay, consider how your chosen flat character
influences the action in your chosen short story.
5. Consider the role of marriage in “Rip Van Winkle. In writing this interpretive essay

consider how Dame Van Winkle is depicted, what this depiction of her a wife makes
possible in the story, and how this depiction might indicate some imbalance of power in
19th century America.

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