devry ENG 112 full course [ all week discussion + all week final papers]

Apr 10, 2024

Week 1 discussion

The Writing Process (graded)

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devry ENG 112 full course [ all week discussion + all week final papers]
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Your textbook describes genres as “ways of writing and speaking that help people interact and work together” (Johnson-Sheehan & Paine, 2010, p. 2). List a few different genres in which you write (such as academic papers, text for social networks, business documents, diary entries, or poetry), select one, describe the specific kind of document you typically produce, and then discuss your process for creating that document.

Essay Writing (graded)

Your assignment this week is to write a draft of your rhetorical analysis. First, read this week’s lecture. Then go to the search engine of your choice and search for this phrase: “vintage ads.” Include the quotation marks to search for exactlythat phrase.

Tell us about the ad you chose: name the product and the year the ad was published.

Remember that the goal of advertising is to make you spend your money on products and services. Does the ad motivate you to buy the product or service?

How does the ad useethos,pathos, orlogosto make you desire the product?

  • Ethosrelies on the credibility or the authority of the ad itself (“I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.”);
  • Pathosis an appeal to your emotions (“Coke adds life.”);
  • Logosis an appeal to your intellect (Ads that show great gas mileage numbers for a car appeal to your intelligence—they imply that you have the brains to buy the most efficient vehicle.).

What elements create ethos, pathos, or logos in the ad that you chose? Discuss 2-3 elements that work to create therhetorical appeal(ethos,logos,pathos) that you detect. Some elements you might analyze are

  • The use of colors
  • The appearance of people in the ad or their expressions
  • The way the product is photographed or displayed
  • Words used in the ad

Here is some advice. In your discussion:

1) Avoid summarizing the ad—let’s not look at the ad and describe it. Keep in mind that this is not a description paper.

2) Avoid talking about your experience with the product or service depicted in the ad. Keep in mind that this is not a testimonial paper.

Make sure that you are writing about how the ad makes you want to spend your money on a product or service. Ethos, pathos, logos…

By working on this now, you will write material that you can use in your draft to turn in this week.

Week 2 discussion

Rhetorical Analysis (graded)

The purpose of “rhetorical analysis” is to determine if, how, and why something is influential or not. As a consumer, you are exposed, every day, to messages designed to get you to buy a product or service. Select some kind of advertisement from television, radio, a magazine, or the Internet; briefly describe the message; and discuss its use of reasoning (logos), credibility (ethos), or emotion (pathos) in persuading you to take action.

Analyzing (graded)

Look at the draft of your working analysis paper and think about the overall topic, angle, and purpose. How well does the draft state what the topic is, describe some sort of fresh angle, and accomplish its intended purpose? Assess the draft’s strengths and weaknesses, and propose two ideas for revision that could help clarify the purpose, narrow the topic, or develop the angle.

Week 3 discussion

Audience (graded)

If you were asked to create a brochure or give a short presentation on bicycle safety to a group of 4thgraders, how would you profile them, as an audience? What values would they have? How can you generalize them as an audience without stereotyping? What information might you need, in addition to the fact that they are fourth graders, in order to create an effective message for them?

Week 4 discussion

Evaluating Sources (graded)

When using sources of information to support your own ideas, you are making your own writing more credible and believable. This way, your writing has more authority, but how do you know a source is credible and believable when you’re searching for sources of information to support your writing?

Editing, Proofreading, and Citing (graded)

As an improving writer, you are learning and employing many new strategies in every document you write. Working as a class, use this discussion area to create a revision, editing, and proofreading checklist for college students (and yourself) to use when writing academic papers that include citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style.

Week 5 discussion

Outlining (graded)

This week you begin working on your final paper, the position paper. A position paper explains both sides of the issue, but argues one side over the other. After you have read Chapter 11 and this week’s lecture, choose your topic, one that has at least two clear points of view that can each be defended.

To help you choose a topic, think about what issues have come up in your own life or what you have heard in the news lately. Consider topics that are controversial, like the topic of “social networking” in the lecture:

Social Networking:

  • Some feel that social networking is a valuable tool for communication.
  • Others believe that it is a medium for cyberbullying and biased information.

Do not choose topics that are moral or religious in nature (e.g. creationism vs. intelligent design), as sources will be inherently biased.

In your own words, tell what you see as the two sides of the story:

  • The point of view you wish to build upon about this topic and the supporting details you will use, and
  • The point of view that contradicts your point of view and the supporting details you will use.

In this discussion, comment on one another’s ideas, giving pointers so that you can each improve or take your paper in another direction. This is the time to “bounce” ideas off each other. Other people might point out aspects of your topic that you never considered, and you could do the same for them.

By working on this now, you will write material that you can use in your outline to turn in this week. The outline is the foundation of your position paper, so getting valuable feedback now will help you write a successful paper.

Perspectives & Reactions (graded)

After reading “TV Watching: The Top Environmental Hazard for Children” by Todd Huffman, note your initial reactions to the essay. In one paragraph, record your strongest reaction to the essay and explain why you think you may have reacted that way. From what perspective are you reacting, that of a parent or that of a child? What factors outside of the essay might have influenced your reaction?

Week 6 discussion

Persuasion (graded)

Earlier in the course, we discussed ethos, pathos, and logos in the context of advertisements, which are generally persuasive messages. Persuasion is a more general purpose, wherein one’s main goal might be “to persuade” or it might be “to justify,” “to convince,” or “to argue.” To create an argument, you must begin with an arguable claim—one that is neither factually “right” nor factually “wrong” nor based solely on personal judgment. Of the many strategies for creating an effective argument is the practice of avoiding logical fallacies. Identify a logical fallacy and discuss, briefly, how its use could harm the integrity of an argument

Writing Process (graded)

Describe how your writing process has evolved since the start of this course. Explain exactly what you are doing differently, and how the new practices have contributed to your overall improvement as a writer. Name one aspect of the writing process you still want to work on even after you complete this course.

Week 7 discussion

Writing to Print Vs. Writing for the Internet (graded)

If you’re asked to present information, you may have the option of oral or written delivery. Each medium has unique requirements. Further, where written information is concerned, print versus electronic texts also have unique characteristics. Please click on the link and read the attached essay,”Writing Style for Print vs. Web,” by Jakob Nielson. What are the similarities and differences between writing for print and writing f

Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis Draft

This week, you will be working on the rough draft of the rhetorical analysis. You will submit the rough draft this week to the Dropbox for your professor to grade.

You will write an analysis of an advertisement. First, read this week’s lecture. Then go to the search engine of your choice and search for this phrase: “vintage ads” Include the quotation marks to search for exactlythat phrase.

Choose a vintage ad that you can analyze based on its rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, pathos). One thing: Please make sure that your chosen ad is appropriate for classroom use and the workplace.

At the end of your essay, copy/paste the URL or website address for your ad–it will begin with http:// Include it so your instructor can see the ad, too.

Give examples of the rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, or pathos) in the advertisement. Pages 182-184 from your text might also be helpful as you begin working on this assignment.

You have a rough draft of this essay due at the end of this week to the Dropbox; the final draft of this paper is due at the end of Week 2 to the Dropbox.

Successful drafts will:

  1. Be focused on analysis.
  2. Be between 1-2 pages in length.
  3. Contain a well-crafted thesis statement appropriate for the essay’s purpose.
  4. Follow APA formatting rules for the look of the paper, as identified in the APA sample paper in the Doc Sharing tab above or through this tutorial: APA Tutorial. Include a title page, running heads, and page numbers–don’t include the References page. Instead, include the URL (http:// website address) for your ad at the end of your essay.
  5. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), double-spaced, 1
  6. Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis (Due this week)

    This week, please read the rough draft of your rhetorical analysis essay and the comments of your professor. Use what is helpful and make revisions to your essay. Be sure to follow the format you used for the draft, based on APA guidelines for the look of the paper on the page.

    Work this week to make your introduction end with your thesis statement, and ensure that all body paragraphs support your thesis. Remember to identify which rhetorical appeal (ethos, logos, or pathos) the advertisement uses.

    Successful drafts will:

    1. Be focused on analysis.
    2. Be between 1-2 pages in length.
    3. Contain a well-crafted thesis statement appropriate for the essay’s purpose.
    4. Follow APA formatting rules for the look of the paper, as identified in the APA sample paper in the Doc Sharing tab above or through this tutorial: APA Tutorial. Include a title page, running heads, and page numbers–don’t include the References page. Instead, include the URL (http:// website address) for your ad at the end of your essay.
    5. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), double-spaced, 12-pt font.
    6. See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

    Essay 2: Review (Rough Draft due this week)

    This week, you’ll begin to draft your review essay. While the final draft of this paper is not due until the end of Week 4, you will submit a draft to your professor and to your peers in your assigned peer review discussion this week.

    Chapter 6 in our textbook discusses reviews: “The review is essentially an informed opinion based on common expectations that the average consumer tends to have for the kind of item under review. The reviewer elaborates on his or her experience by linking his or her opinions to these expectations and passing a final judgment” (Johnson-Sheehan & Paine, 2010, p. 124).

    To write a review, you set out the product or service that you’re reviewing, your expectations for that product or service, and compare your expectations with what you actually got. Finally, pass judgment on the quality or capacity of your subject.

    A “product or service” includes anything for which you paid money and expected to receive something in exchange. Read the sample reviews in our text, and you’ll see that some are about music albums or movies. Those are products of the entertainment industry. You can review music or a film yourself. Services include anything and everything from an oil, lube, and tire pressure check on your car to a memorable vacation at a resort in Vanuatu. Pick any product or service that you’ve experienced or used AND that left you with a clearly good or bad impression.

    To start, outline your expectations and how your subject met them: What did you want? What did you get?

    Next, outline the precise ways that your subject met or failed to meet expectations. Use specifics and details: explain exactly how your subject succeeded or failed.

    You should have a good start with your details, so begin drafting the essay. Name your product/service in the first paragraph so your reader identifies the subject. Establish your ethos by describing your background, your relationship to the product/service, the length of time you’ve used it or known about it. Establish your logos, too: in a thesis, tell what you expected and whether or not your subject met those expectations.

    The rest depends on specifics. Get into them. Write paragraphs that have one idea each and that tell, exactly, what the product/service did or did not do to meet your expectations.

    Your conclusion should either
    1) reinforce your positive review of the product/service or 2) offer an alternative if you’ve written a negative review.

    Successful drafts will:
    1. Be 2-3 pages in length.

    2. Follow APA formatting rules and referencing rules shown in the APA sample paper in Doc Sharing or here:

    3. Be typed and submitted as a Word document, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font.

    Essay 2: Review (Due this Week)

    This week, you will complete your work on Essay 2: Review. Be sure to first read and refer to your assigned reading passages for this week.

    Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions, or watch this Tutorial icon Dropbox Tutorial.

    See Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

    Please review the assignment details for the Review essay. Use professor feedback from your draft to revise your Review into a polished final paper this week. Add a one-paragraph reflection at the end of your paper, written to your professor, which explains your strategy for writing.

    Successful assignments will:

    1. Be between 2-3 pages with improvements made from the drafting stage.
    2. Contain a well-crafted thesis statement that tells about your subject and describes whether or not your subject met your expectations.
    3. Follow APA formatting and referencing format as identified in the APA sample paper in Doc Sharing or through this tutorial: APA Tutorial. An APA title page, running heads, and page numbers are required.
    4. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font.

Essay 3: Position Paper Outline & References Page due

After you have read your assigned reading for this week, choose a topic that has at least two clear points of view that can each be defended in an academic and verifiable manner. It is best to check with your professor to make sure your topic is appropriate. Once you have decided on your topic and the point of view you want to build upon, write an outline for your position essay.

While the final draft of this paper is not due until the end of Week 8, you will submit an outline and references page to your professor this week. Please note that you will also be required to submit a draft to your professor in Week 6 and to our peer review in Week 7.

Refer to this week’s lecture for detailed requirements and guidelines on how to write an outline for a position essay.

Successful Outline Requirements:

  1. Follow the sample format in this week’s lecture to create an outline appropriate in scope for a 5-page persuasive paper (in addition to the title page and reference page) with no less than 3 academic sources included. NOTE: please avoid topics that are focused on religious, moral, or overly emotional debates.
  2. You must clearly state your topic (which should be debatable in nature), draft an introduction paragraph, with a complete and persuasive thesis statement, and outline three main points that you will discuss in your paper, followed by two sub-points for each main point. Remember to include both viewpoints/sides of the topic.
  3. A possible conclusion paragraph should also be drafted.
  4. Outlines should not exceed one page, unless discussed and approved with your professor.
  5. Provide APA references for three academic sources that you plan to use to support your position.
  6. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.

Essay 3: Position Paper Rough Draft due this week

Continue to work on your position paper. This week, you will be working on the rough draft of this paper. You will submit the rough draft to your professor.

For this essay, you are going to write on a debatable issue. Write a position paper in which you explore both sides of a contentious debatable issue. Pick an issue that affects you directly, and try to represent both sides of the issue. Explain your opponents’ side of the issue as clearly and fairly as possible. Then point out the limitations of their side. Explain your side of the issue and concede any limitations on your side. Then, persuade your readers that your understanding of the issue is stronger and more reasonable than your opponents’ understanding.

Successful drafts will (due this week):

1. Be at least three pages long.
2. Include at least two sources.
3. Provide APA reference information for any outside sources used. Be sure to include an in-text citation for any references made throughout the body of the paper in addition to a full end reference page formatted in APA style.
4. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.

The final draft will (due in week 8):

  1. Be focused on persuading general readers to take action or accept your point of view on a specific and debatable topic. NOTE: please avoid topics that are focused on religious, moral, or overly emotional debates.
  2. Be at least 5 full pages, in addition to the title page and reference page, and include at least 3 sources.
  3. Contain a well-crafted thesis statement appropriate for the essay’s purpose.
  4. Include the opposition’s point of view with logical reasoning as rebuttal.
  5. Follow APA formatting rules as identified in the APA sample paper on Doc Sharing or through this tutorial: APA Tutorial. An APA title page, Running Heads, and page numbers are required.
  6. Provide APA reference information for any outside sources used. Be sure to include an in-text citation for any references made throughout the body of the paper in addition to a full end reference page formatted in APA style.
  7. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.

Review the APA tutorial and the websites below for information on the style guide and documentation.

Essay 3: Position Final Draft due

Please review the assignment details for the Position essay. Use peer review and professor feedback from your draft and outline to revise the Position essay into a polished final paper this week.

Successful assignments will:

  1. Be focused on persuading general readers to take action or accept your point of view on a specific and debatable topic. NOTE: please avoid topics that are focused on religious, moral, or overly emotional debates.
  2. Be 5 full pages, in addition to the title page and reference page, and include at least 3 academic sources with improvements made from the drafting stage. NOTE: Failure to make any revisions from last week’s draft will result in a one letter grade deduction.
  3. Contain a well-crafted thesis statement appropriate for the essay’s purpose.
  4. Include the opposition’s point of view with logical reasoning as rebuttal.
  5. Follow APA formatting rules as identified in the APA sample paper on Doc Sharing or through this tutorial: An APA title page, Running Heads, and page numbers are required.
  6. Provide APA reference information for any outside sources used. Be sure to include an in-text citation for any references made throughout the body of the paper in addition to a full end reference page formatted in APA style.
  7. Be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2007 document (.docx), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.

See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read theseStep-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

Review the APA tutorial and the websites below for information on the style guide and documentation.

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