Devry ENGL219 Course Project – Class Newspaper

Apr 10, 2024

Course Project – Class Newspaper

You will develop a class newspaper to be turned in as a CLASS project due in Week 8. As you work through each week’s assignments throughout the duration of the course, you will write several articles—an obituary, a sports article, a news article, a feature story, and more! TWO of your articles will be finalized and included in the class newspaper. Keep this in mind as you work on assignments each week. Write as a journalist would.

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The class newspaper should be created in an MS Word document. I don’t expect it tolookexactly as a real newspaper would, but do have a title, date, and edition number, as well as the articles placed in sections with photos/artwork/graphics and a traditional advertising section at the end. In other words, the obituaries would not be on the front page. Illustrate that you know how to put a newspaper together.

The focus of the grading will be on the writing and editing. Remember that this is a class report, butindividualgrades come into play. Grades are based on your individual participation and the quality of work you produce for this assignment.

Project Timeline

Week 1
  • Develop a name for your newspaper.
  • Assign positions amongst the team. You need the following.
    1. a general copy editor;
    2. an editor-in-chief who will oversee the entire paper and turn it in for the group;
    3. an editor for each section—sports, news, obituaries, and features;
    4. a photo editor who will add clip art and graphics;
    5. a designer for EACH section—news, sports, obituaries, advertising—who will put the paper together and place articles and so forth in the MS Word document; and
    6. one person who is creative enough to make up apretendadvertisement section and edit it.

Each of you will be reporters as well, because TWO of your articles you write in this class must be used in the project. If you have extra people without job titles, double up and work together. Have the extra people help with proofreading, and so forth.

Take on a role that you know you can do your best in. In other words, if you love sports, perhaps the sports section editor is a great fit!

Week 2
  • You are to come up with a code of ethics for your newspaper.

Weeks 3-6

As you write the assigned articles, remember to work on editing the ones you like the most based on my feedback.

  • Post your articles as you write them to the Project Discussion area.
  • Begin reviewing each other’s work during Weeks 3–6.
  • Editors for eachsectionshould begin working on helping writers make corrections, and so forth.
  • If you are the photo editor or the advertising writer and editor, begin working on your items for the newspaper as well. The photo editor could begin searching for pictures and graphs to use.
  • In Week 6, you will be assigned to a Project Team forum (A or B) where you will begin to put together your newspaper as a group.
Week 7
  • An entire Discussion this week is based on finalizing the course project, which is due next week.
  • Post your two strongest articles from the Project Discussion and begin editing and creating. Remember to work in thepositionyou were elected to during Week 1.
  • Continue to work in your Project Team forum.
  • By the end of this week, have your newspaper finalized and ready for a final review and approval from the editor-in-chief.

Week 8

  • The final course project is due this week.
  • All items identified by the editor-in-chief should be addressed this week through your Project Team forum.
  • The editor will then place it to the Dropbox by the due date posted in the Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments and Exams” section.

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