devry SPCH275 week 5 and week 6 discussions latest 2015 spring

Apr 10, 2024

week 5

Foundations of Persuasion (graded)

Think about something you have found online that persuaded you. It might be a video, an article, or any other form of rhetoric. Let’s have a few people share a sample with the group and then post a minianalysis for why it seemed so convincing. Try to be specific as you break down the content.

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Contemporary Communication (graded)

Review this list of possible goals, and begin to discuss how you might apply them in a contemporary context as a communicator developing your skills:

  • To pursue mastery of oral, written, visual, and nonverbal communication
  • To use a variety of communication media with proficiency
  • To continue to use and develop communication skills on an ongoing basis
  • To design communication with an audience-centered focus in mind
  • To maintain a standard of ethics with communication
  • To engage in the political process to aid in bettering the world
  • To use communication to foster clarity and understanding
  • To seek out and learn new ways of enhancing communication experiences

week 6

Persuasion Strategies (graded)

This week, we take a more advanced look at persuasion, with the ultimate aim of attempting to apply possible strategies to your Course Project, in addition to your understanding of successful persuasive formulas, tactics, and strategies. Begin by sharing some of the ways persuasion may show up in your Course Project.

Communicating and Presenting in Groups (graded)

Communication usually becomes more and more complex with each person who is added to the interaction. Because of this complexity, let’s begin to think of the ways that we modify the messaging when communicating within a group. What are some of the ways we may communicate to a group working together? Later in the week, we will move on to how this affects presenting as a group.

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