devry spch277 all week assignment latest 2015 [ all 6 weeks ]

Apr 10, 2024

Part I: Communication Competence Analysis
Review the Communication Competence summary on pages 22–23. Complete the checklist and write a response in three parts that addresses the following using clear headings:

  1. Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you are currently strong, and describe why you feel that way.
  2. Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you currently need improvement,and describe why you feel that way.

Each section should be written with at least three paragraphs (with a minimum of three to four sentences each) of commentary, which is in addition to any quoting from the listing you may choose to do. It may be helpful to explain your thought process and provide examples to give explanation to your descriptions of why you feel that way. This is not a formal paper, but college-level spelling, grammar, and syntax are expected.

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Part II: General Improvement Strategy
Using one of the competencies you felt needed improvement in Part I, develop an improvement strategy that follows the Communication Improvement Strategy Table in the weekly lecture. You may choose to format this into a table or write it in paragraph form. With whichever option, you should include your work in the same Word file (.docx) as Part I and have clear labels for the four main areas: problem, goal, plan, and test of measurability.

Use this information to begin the Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Course Project below.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

week 2


Part I: Listening Analysis
Begin by reading the Week 2 Lecture on listening, and complete the Listening Exercise to evaluate your listening skills. Write a summary of your results, your experience, and your conclusions about this.

Next, respond to the following prompts. As you compose your responses, you should make connections to the ideas contained in the listening chapter assigned for the week.

  • Where in the stages of listening did you experience breakdown?
  • What was the reason you failed to listen effectively?
  • What could you have done differently to improve your listening?

This part of the assignment should be written with at least four paragraphs (with a minimum of three to four sentences each) of commentary, which is in addition to any quoting from the exercise itself you may choose to do. It may be helpful to explain your thought process and provide examples to give explanation to your descriptions of why you feel that way. This is not a formal paper, but college-level spelling, grammar, and syntax are expected.

Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies
Later in this course, you will read chapters that address skills in both small group communication and public speaking. This assignment is intended to get you thinking about those skills before that information is covered in class, so know that you are not expected to have fully researched responses for this part of the Week 2 assignment.

Using the Communication Improvement Strategy Table from the Week 1 Lecture, develop an improvement strategy that follows it according to the following assessments:

  • the checklist describing the skills covering small-group communication in Chapter 9 on page 189; and
  • the Test Yourself inventory on public-speaking apprehension in Chapter 11 on page 209 OR the checklist describing the steps in preparing a speech on page 234.

You may choose to format these into tables or write them in paragraph form. With whichever option, you should have clear labels for the four main areas: problem, goal, plan, and test of measurability.

Part III: Presentation Topics and Research Ideas
Based on the improvement strategies and work on the CCC that you have completed up to this point, put together a numbered list of at least six presentation topics you might have an interest in researching and developing for the Week 6 assignment. Rank the topics with your strongest choice at the top of the list and the others in descending order.

Using your first-topic choice, list three references that would be suitable as research sources to support a presentation. These should be in addition to your textbook and not come from the open Web (e.g., a Google search, a blog, and so on). The best place to look is the DeVry University Library.

Include your work for Parts I, II, and III in the same Word file (.docx).

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

week 3

Topic Selection for Individual Speech Presentation

Review this week’s lecture. Think about a communication topic that you would like to learn more about. Look at the Table of Contents in your textbook for more ideas. E-mail your instructor early in the week to obtain speech topic approval for an informative or persuasive speech. Research your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic. You will continue with this next week. Nothing is due yet in the Dropbox for your speech. Presentations are due in Week 6.

Note: Notify your instructor now by e-mail if you do not understand how to choose a speech topic.

Assignment: Conflict Analysis

Conflict Analysis Part 1: Observe an instance that you are not personally involved with where conflict is present (you will need to be a bit of a covert operator to accomplish this). Answer the following:

In several detailed paragraphs, describe the conflict scene.

1a.Who was involved in the conflict? What was the relationship between the participants prior to the conflict? Did it appear as if the relationship between the participants had any impact on how either person responded to the conflict?

1b.When and where did it take place? Was it formal or informal? Planned or unplanned? What impact did the location and time have on the outcome?

1c.What transpired? (Be specific.)

Many times when we face conflict, there is a surface-level problem and an underlying problem. The surface-level problem acts only as a symptom of the real problem. Consider both.

1d.What was the surface problem?

1e.What was the underlying problem, or the real problem? If this is unclear, what might you speculate the real problem to be?

There are many conflict management strategies that can be employed when dealing with conflict. Consider which were present in this conflict.

1f.Which conflict management strategies were employed by each of the participants? Did the conflict management strategies change during the course of the conversation? How do you know?

1g.What was the outcome? Was there a winner? A loser? Did there appear to be an impact on the relationship? If so, what was that impact?

1h. Looking back, describe at least two variables that could be changed in this scene to alter the outcome.

Conflict Analysis Part 2:Much of the learning in this course requires you to draw conclusions about your experiences and observations based on the concepts we have read about and discussed. Take this into consideration:

2a., 2b. List two specific things you learned about conflict as a result of this exercise. Reference material from the text, discussions, lecture, terminal course objectives, and so forth. Answers that demonstrate application of the course material and effective critical thinking will earn the greatest number of points.

Your submission should be approximately one page in length: one paragraph per item for 1a.–1h., and 2a. and 2b.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

week 4


Individual Speech Presentation: Draft

From last week: E-mail your instructor early in the week to obtain speech topic approval if you have not already done so. Continue researching your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic.

This week, update your thesis statement and your main idea sentences, create at least two subtopics for each of the three main points, and add to your research notes. Use these items to write a first draft for your outline. Do the outline tutorial exercises provided in the lecture. Spend time learning about outlining and solving your topic organization, sequence, and outline problems. Your outline is not due this week. You will complete working on this outline next week. Nothing is due in the Dropbox yet for your speech.

PowerPoint presentations with recorded narration are due in Week 6. Begin practicing the use of your microphone with your computer and the PowerPoint narration feature. See the iConnect area and the Presentation area under Course Home for the tutorials on how to use these features.

Note: Notify your instructor now if you do not understand how to create an outline. If you are having great difficulty creating a draft of your outline, e-mail specific questions to your instructor. You may wish to ask for a personal phone call.

Written Assignment: Team Collaborative Outline Exercise

The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with subpoints?

With your assigned team, unscramble the following statements to create a logical outline for an upcoming business presentation. Use standard outline format as described in your textbook.

  1. Ensure that the language is used correctly.
  2. Speaker credibility influences how listeners feel about the speaker.
  3. Character is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and showing goodwill.
  4. Deliver the speech with confidence.
  5. Credibility is an extremely important factor in determining speaker effectiveness.
  6. Connect the audience to the topic.
  7. Practice your delivery.
  8. Verbally cite personal subject knowledge.
  9. Present error-free written materials.
  10. Credibility has three primary characteristics: the three Cs.
  11. Ensure that typographical errors are eliminated.
  12. Charisma is the quality of being assertive, confident, and enthusiastic.
  13. Speaker credibility influences the listener’s ability to learn or to believe.
  14. Demonstrate expertise.
  15. Verbally cite expert sources.
  16. Connect yourself to the topic.
  17. Plan your delivery.
  18. Ensure that facts are correct.
  19. Competence is the quality of being an expert and being intelligent.
  20. Connect with the audience on a personal level.
  21. Establish common ground.
  22. Credibility is established in four ways.

Note: All team members must collaborate and submit the same version of the outline to the Dropbox.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

week 5


Speech Written Assignment: Final Outline, Description of Visuals, and References

  • Written Assignment:Your Final Outline needs to have a General goal for a topic for a certain audience, a Specific Goal, a Thesis Statement sentence, Introduction, Body of the Outline, and Conclusion.
  • Include a separate page for the Description of Visuals (PowerPoint images plan).
  • Include a separate page named References and list sources in alphabetical order with hanging indents and use APA style. Do the APA tutorials provided in the Syllabus.
  • Call a DeVry librarian for help on formatting your References page.

Team Editing

  • Early in the week (Day 1, 2, or 3), share your completed first or second outline draft with your team to ask for feedback. If you do not share your first draft early in the week, you cannot expect other people to have time to review it for you.
  • During the week (Days 1–5), respond to team members who have asked for your suggestions, comments, and corrections on their outlines. You can respond by any communication method of your choice—IM, chat, phone, e-mail, texting, team threads, and so on. Try to respond as early as you can, or at least within 2 days. If you can’t review an outline or provide any comment within 2 days of receiving a team member’s outline, notify your team member about when to expect your comments. Day 5 should be your latest date to respond to other people, or Day 6 for emergency last-minute reviews. Remember that other people need time to use your ideas and revise their outlines!
  • Review the suggestions, comments, and corrections that you receive daily from your team and incorporate the best ideas into your first draft outline.
  • Save the end of your week (Days 6 and 7) for revising your own outline and preparing the Final Outline version, completing the Description of Visuals (PowerPoint images plan) page, and checking the References page.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Speech:PowerPoint Presentation

  • If you have not already done so, see the Presentation area under Course Home for complete details of this assignment.
  • Presentations are due next week in Week 6.
week 6
PowerPoint Presentation with Narration

Objectives| Project Overview| Assignment 1: Outline Guidelines| Assignment 2: Speech Guidelines| Milestones| Best Practices


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Preparing and presenting an effective speech can be a challenge. It is important to understand the fundamentals of speech preparation and delivery because you will use these skills often during your education and your career.

Project Overview

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The tasks associated with the presentation are an outline, reference page, and PowerPoint presentation with visual aids.

From a task perspective, you will need to identify a topic and have it approved by your professor. Consider how you might adapt your presentation to your audience when preparing your presentation.

Next, begin your research and consider how you will narrow your topic by creating a general goal, and then a specific goal that will meet the needs of your audience. Then establish an effective thesis statement that must be written as a complete sentence. Once you know where your speech is headed, outline the body of your speech. Then add a strong introduction and conclusion. Create visual aids that will enhance the audience’s understanding of your material or that will make your presentation more memorable. Determine how you will transition between main ideas and slides. Finally, practice and deliver your presentation.

Let’s recap what is involved in this speech project. You will need to select a topic and have it approved by your professor. Then you will do research and create a rough draft of the speech outline for yourself. Be sure to spend enough time polishing up the final version of your outline for your speech.

Be sure to include the information you found during your research and investigation in the body of your outline, and organize it in a visually pleasing manner. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your outline and presentation. Show some type of division like levels of headers or titles and then separate sections that are labeled and indented for the outline; state the main idea, state major subpoints in each main idea, and provide evidence for each subpoint. Cite your evidence, quotes, and statistics using APA format.

Finally, you will create a PowerPoint presentation and post it to the week 6 dropbox. You will also present your slides in class during week 6.

Assignment 1: Outline Guidelines

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Outlines must be six to seven pages in length (this would be roughly one to two pages per area included in the outline), 10-point font, double spaced, including these five sections:

Title Page (title of speech, name of presenter, audience prepared for – school or institution, date): You can use this information to create your first slide in PowerPoint.

Table of Contents: Include final outline (general goal, specific goal, thesis statement sentence, introduction paragraph, full sentence outline), conclusion paragraph, description of visuals (images for PowerPoint), and APA references.

General goal, specific goal, thesis statement, introduction paragraph, body of the outline in sentence format (one to two pages)

Summary or conclusion paragraph (one to two pages)

Visuals description plan – images for the PowerPoint slides, by slide number if known (one to two pages)

Five authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). References must be written in APA format with hanging indents, in alphabetical order, and with everything double spaced. The word references should not be formatted. Include copyrighted image resources in this list. See the APA tutorial in the Syllabus. Call a DeVry librarian for help with APA formatting. You can copy and paste this to use as the last slide in your PowerPoint.

NOTE: Do not copy and paste your table of contents, final outline, or visuals description plan into your PowerPoint slides! Your speech slides must be created as a meaningful presentation. Use a few bullets for each slide with one phrase or one sentence for each bullet. Do not put any paragraphs into the slides.

Any questions about this assignment may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Discussion topic.

Assignment 2: Speech Guidelines

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Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

You are required to deliver a graded oral presentation for this course. You will deliver your presentation to your audience in week 6 of the course during your class time.

Creating the PowerPoint Audio Recording

Follow these steps to create and record your PowerPoint audio presentation.

  • Open MS PowerPoint; create your PowerPoint slides and then save them.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab located in the top menu.
    • Make sure to read your slides carefully and be sure that you have cited all information properly.
  • Evaluate your final presentation. What could you have done better? What will you do differently next time?

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructionsor watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.


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To summarize your presentation project

Step 1 Explore possible topics for a speech related to communication. Your topic should be something you are interested in learning more about.
Step 2 Select and submit a speech topic, general goal, and specific goal by e-mail to your instructor for approval. The general goal and the specific goal should detail the purpose of your speech (To inform? To persuade?) and meet the needs of your audience (Who are they?).
Step 3 Research your approved topic. Look for five or six resources and put them in APA format. You might not really want to use all of them for your outline and/or speech.
Step 4 Organize your notes. Create a rough draft outline based on your research. Write sentences for the body of the outline.
Step 5 Revise your outline and create a final draft outline with all required items included: cover page, table of contents, final outline (general goal, specific goal, thesis statement sentence, introduction paragraph, full sentence outline), conclusion paragraph, description of visuals (images for PowerPoint), and APA references in alphabetical order and with hanging indents. Note: Press F1 in MS Word for help with hanging indent paragraphs, or tab or space over for all lines except the first one.
Step 6 Create a PowerPoint Presentation. Study the tutorials provided in the lectures and under presentation areas.
Step 7 Evaluate your presentation. What could you have done better? What will you do differently next time?

Grading Rubrics

The PowerPoint presentation and final outline will be graded using the rubric in Doc Sharing. Outlines and presentations will be graded on content such as relevance and quality of topic research information; organization and cohesiveness; formatting and visual appeal; editing such as spelling, grammar and sentence structure; APA documentation; and use of citations as required. For a detailed list of criteria, see the rubric provided in Doc Sharing.

Best Practices

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The following are the best practices for creating your speech outline and presentation:

  • Begin now! Start thinking about what you would like to speak about during Preview Week and Week 1. Look over the Table of Contents of your textbook for ideas.
  • Title page or slide – Include the title, audience (who you prepared the presentation for [school or institution]), the presenter who prepared it and will be the speaker, and date.
  • Attention getter – Give the audience a reason to pay attention. Make them want to listen to your speech.
  • Overview – List the main ideas and sections of your presentation.
  • The purpose of an overview:
    1. Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
    2. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
    3. Establish the tone of the presentation.
    4. Try to include the questions you think your audience might have about your topic, and then be sure to answer them during your presentation.
  • Body of your outline and presentation – Include the information you found during your research and investigation and organize it in a visually pleasing manner. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your outline and presentation. Show some type of division like levels of headers or titles, then separate sections that are labeled and indented for the outline, and separate groups of bullets for the presentation. Use a header for the title of your presentation or subtitle of the section. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main idea, state major subpoints in each main idea, and provide evidence for each subpoint. Cite your evidence, quotes, and statistics using APA format.
  • Summary and conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your outline or presentation. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the thesis statement of the outline and main objective of the presentation.
  • References – Use the APA citation format as specified in the Syllabus. The illustrations should be included with your resources. APA tutorials are available in the Syllabus. Call a DeVry librarian for help.
    • At least Five authoritative, outside references are required. (Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable.)
    • Appropriate citations within the presentation are required on the last slide. Just copy and paste this from the last page of your outline – the References page.
    • References should be in APA format. These should be listed in alphabetical order on a separate last page titled References with no formatting. Each resource should be entirely double spaced. All entries must use hanging indents – the first line is flush left, and all the rest are indented.
    • All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
  • Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:
    1. Apply a three step process of writing . . . plan, write, and complete.
    2. Prepare an outline of your presentation before you try to create the presentation.
    3. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
    4. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your presentation. You could use example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.
    5. Animation and video clips should not be used for this speech. YouTube is not allowed.

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