Discussion 1,2 – Historically, research on the determinants of intelligence

Apr 17, 2024


Historically, research on the determinants of intelligence quotient (IQ) has led to many questions: Is IQ fixed or fluid? Is IQ an innate quality of the human brain or do intelligence tests define IQ? If testing defines IQ, does this mean that changes in intelligence testing will result in changes in IQ? In your initial post, utilize the module resources and your own research to explain whether you believe IQ to be fixed or fluid and what you believe to be the most valid predictors of IQ and why. Applying a holistic lens, clearly state what you believe are the biopsychosocial implications of viewing IQ as something that is unchangeable or as a product of learning, experience, and development.  

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Discussion 1,2 – Historically, research on the determinants of intelligence
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Self-esteem and identity provide individuals with a foundation for viewing themselves, how others view them, and even how they define how they will approach the world. Modern, holistic understandings of developmental psychology reiterate that parenting, social interactions, educational and athletic achievement, artistic expressions, and innate ability all play a role in the formation of these concepts. The ability to intervene to improve self-esteem and identity formation can be instrumental in establishing a healthy path in life. You are challenged to research programs and activities that target the improvement of self-esteem:

  • Which theory or research does the program/activity align with from the course materials?
  • Identify the child or adolescent age group that the program/activity targets. How does the program define and assess self-esteem?
  • Critique the activities cultural sensitivity and effectiveness.

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