ENG 220 Module 4 – Choose a sitcom (e.g., The Big Bang Theory

Jul 14, 2024

Big Bang

ENG 220 Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric

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ENG 220 Module 4 – Choose a sitcom (e.g., The Big Bang Theory
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For this assignment, you will observe and analyze nonverbal cues and consider the implications for business communication.


Choose a sitcom (e.g., The Big Bang Theory (A captioned version of the video is available: The Big Bang Theory (CC)) or Seinfeld (A captioned version of the video is available: Seinfeld (CC)) and locate at least a three-minute clip on YouTube or a similar service. First, watch the clip without sound and take notes on what you think might be happening. Then, watch the clip again with sound and take further notes. Compare the second viewing with your initial reaction and consider how sound changed your impression. Then, write a short paper that includes the following elements:

  • Introduction: Identify the show you watched and give a brief description of the scene.
  • Analysis: Identify any insights you may have come across in watching the clip without and then with sound. What nonverbal cues were being used? Did you miss anything without the sound on? Can you understand the person’s feelings just by watching his or her nonverbal communication? Be sure to explain your responses.
  • Real-World Relevancy: Relate this scene to a previously observed real-life scenario. How might some of these nonverbal cues be perceived in a business setting? Does this inspire you to think of any solutions to real-life situations?

What to Submit

Your short paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and should not be more than 1 page in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited using a discipline-appropriate citation method.

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