ENG220 Module 6 – What is your overall impression of the speech

Apr 28, 2024

Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric.html

ENG 220 Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric

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ENG220 Module 6 – What is your overall impression of the speech
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For this assignment, you will watch a persuasive speech and analyze what makes it effective.


First, watch the speech the coach gives his team from the movie Remember the Titans (3:08) (A captioned version of the video is available: Remember the Titans (cc)), and then write a short paper that addresses the following critical elements:

  • Analysis: What is your overall impression of the speech given by the coach?
  • Persuasive Elements: What specific elements were employed that made the speech persuasive? Give a brief explanation of the element.
  • Real-World Relevancy: How might you use these elements in a real-world situation? Could you apply any of these elements to your course project?

What to Submit

Your short paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and should not be more than 1 page in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited using a discipline-appropriate citation method.

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