ENGL062N 2022 November Week 1 Discussion Latest

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ENGL062N Introduction to Reading and Writing

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Week 1 Discussion

The Importance of Predicting Reading Time

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 2 (all) and Chapter 3, pages 50-57?

Module 1 Lesson

Link (PDF): Week 1 Sample DiscussionLinks to an external site.

Basic Discussion Requirements?

After you have read the required lesson and textbook readings for this activity, please review the instructions below for this required, graded Week 1 discussion main post. Then, be sure to reply substantively, with good depth and detail, to at least one classmate. It is recommended that you post no later than Wednesday of Week 1, and you must post on at least two separate days during Week 1.

Initial Post Instructions

Part I: Preparation

First, review the chart in the Week 1 Lesson that demonstrates what we mean by “high-text” and “low-text” reading.

Now, you will time yourself while reading one page of high-text reading and one page of low-text reading. Open and read each document below, one at a time, making sure to begin timing yourself when you start each and to stop timing yourself when you are finished with each. Each document is a page taken from your textbook that will be included in next week’s reading. You do not need to share your results; this is to determine your reading speed in pages per minute.

Next, write down (privately- you do not have to share this) how much time it took you to read each attachment below and round that time up or down to the nearest minute (example: 3 minutes, 29 seconds or less = 3 minutes, while 3 minutes, 31 seconds or more = 4 minutes). Do this separately with each page below: “Reading time per high-text page = (insert the rounded number of minutes here)” and “Reading time per low-text page = (insert the rounded number of minutes here).” Again, make these notes for yourself; do not post them.

Link: (PDF): High-Text Page of Reading Links to an external site.

Link (PDF): Low-Text Page of ReadingLinks to an external site.

Part II: Your Post

Now that you have an understanding of your reading speed, respond to the following:

Locate an article in our library (any article that interests you) that is at least 5 pages in length. Do not read it.

Name just the article just by title and author at the start of your post.

Skim quickly through the full article, looking at the number of images and the amount of text. According to the “low -text/high-text” chart in our Week One Lesson, do you feel this article will be low-text or high-text? Why?

Then, without actually reading the article, guess how long it will take you to read this article according to your time per page from Part I above for low-text or high-text, depending on whether the article you found is low-text or high-text.

In your post, after you write the author and the title, share how long you predict it would take you to read this article, based on your reading speed and the number of pages in the article. You do not need to share your reading speed, just your prediction for how long it might take you to read the article .

In your post, after responding writing the author and title of your article and your time-to-read prediction, answer these questions:

Were you surprised by your results? Why or why not?

How did this activity help you understand the concept of “reading rate”?

Finally, how can understanding reading rate and previewing the reading help you gauge the purpose of the article and help you become a better, more efficient reader?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer with substance and detail, answering all of the following questions carefully and thoroughly in your reply to a classmate. Avoid comparing reading rates – everyone is reading different materials for this discussion, so reading rates will vary greatly.

First, focus on your classmate’s reflections about their feelings regarding the activity. Were your feelings similar or different? How and why?

Next, focus on your classmate’s thoughts about how discovering their personal reading speed can help them be more successful. Did you have similar or different thoughts? Explain.

What did you learn from reading your classmate’s post?

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