ENGL148N 2023 January Week 2 Assignment Latest

Apr 3, 2024

ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 2 Assignment

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ENGL148N 2023 January Week 2 Assignment Latest
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Research Argument Essay Proposal


The goal of an argument research proposal is to create a working argument stance and a basic plan that considers context, audience, and purpose and that presents potential approaches to research.

Keep in mind that rather than being an outline or structural plan for your essay, this proposal should ground you in the conversation, should offer direction for research needs, and should give your professor ample focused material viable for providing effective feedback before you begin researching and writing.

Required Resources

Please review and use the following resources while completing the assignment:

The course theme announcement 

Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Example Links to an external site.

Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Template Links to an external site.

Argument Research Essay Overview Links to an external site.

Week 2 Explore topics


Review the course theme announcement carefully. Select the topic that you intend to use during the course for your Argument Research Essay. Review the Argument Research Essay Overview for a broad look at the essay guidelines. 

Next, review the Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Example to see a sample idea of how to complete the template. Then, download the Week 2 Argument Research Essay Template, complete all the sections pertaining to the course theme topic selected, save and submit to the Week 2 assignment area. Be sure to complete all THREE sections of the template.

Formatting Complete the template by filling in the blank areas for each section according to the instructions

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