English 101 Nov. 14 2015 Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron

Apr 10, 2024

Romero 1
Olga Romero
Prof. Schwankle
English 101
Nov. 14 2015
Opposed to Same-Sex
In the essay “Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron,” the author, Lisa Schiffren argues that
homosexuals should not have the right to marry because her belief is that marriage is a bond, a
tradition, between a man and a woman and the tradition was generated in order to procreate.
Many people are raised in this world with the same belief Schiffren argues. Although there may
be many different opinions regarding this issue, marriage should be the unity between a man and
a woman. The human race has a duty to carry on and procreate. The majority of children are
influenced by two people that are called their parents. What are we to tell our children when
exposed to two men or two woman and they ask why they are holding hands or kissing? There
are still many individuals who do not agree with the new law that accepts same sex couples to
marry. In this essay I will argue the disadvantages that are inflicted upon society from
The many individuals who approve homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle claim that
both homosexuality and homosexual marriage are not moral issues. Many times this can be
proclaimed as an attempt to distance themselves from ethics and instead emphasize on the social
and political agenda to encourage and promote homosexuality. However, the act of marriage has
always been an agreement between a man and a woman that signifies the unity and well-being of
the spouses whilst both taking part in the procreation and education of their future children. A
union between two men or two women proposes something entirely different . The union

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between same sex couples denies the self-evident biological, psychological, and psychological
dissimilarities among men and women whom find their complementarity in marriage. One can
argue that many individuals signify marriage as the act of love between two people, yet the
perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children is the specific primary purpose of
marriage. This is denied within homosexual relationships.
Homosexuality can indeed affect society. Same sex marriage may seem to be best for
homosexual couples who wish for social and legal recognition of their union, but how does it
affect the individuals around them? How can it affect children? Proponents of same sex marriage
whole heartedly believe that love is all a child truly needs, yet children raised by same sex
parents have a higher chance of being denied the complex nature and core needs of human
beings. A child who is raised by both male and female allows them to relate to both parents of the
opposite sex. Children who are raised by same sex couples have a higher probability of
becoming sexually confused and experiment with sex at an early age. A father and a mother are
crucial for proper and healthy development. This rule is confirmed by the evident difficulties that
are faced on a daily bases by children who are orphans or that are raised by a single parent,
relative, or foster parent. It is quite obviously clear that homosexual couples can be just as loving
to children as many heterosexual couples, but the question is, is love enough?
As stated before, there are obvious differences between a male and a female. These
differences can be seen by both genders genes,hormones anatomy and psyche. In the textbook
Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Education by Ann miles Gordon and Kathy Williams
Brown, chapter four developmental and learning theories page 64-65, does a wonderful job at
explaining developmental psychologist Erik Eriksons theory on the importance of children
growing up in a family that showcases both father and mother love. Father and mother love are
both different and a necessity in a child’s development. Mothers are nurturing, and very

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expressive. Fathers tend to show their love with expectation and achievement. A child will need
both in order to feel both inclusiveness and still have a will for independence. Erickson explains
how gender differences are commonly reflected in the way that mothers and fathers use touch
with their children. A mother will frequently comfort with touch while fathers will more
commonly use touch to excite and encourage their child during play. A mother will encourage
her children to take charge and proceed at their own pace, while a father tends to engage on a
teaching role that has great similarities to that of a coach, often participating in rough and tumble
play, which Erickson believes will create greater self control in adolescent boys. Disciplinary
also differs greatly between a male and a female parent. A mother approaches the discipline of
her children with much sensitivity taking in the child’s mood , circumstances, and above all the
the feeling of understanding her child’s emotions and needs. A father on the other hand will be
more firm and rely on rules and principles. Children that grow in a household with both a father
and a mother will have a better knowledge of the diverse gender roles. In general boys will
embrace reason over emotion, and girls are more inclined to take part in a more emotional roles.
As children grow the parents will show their children the importance of both opposing
In his article, “Gay Marriage: Make Them Legal”, the author, Thomas Stoddard, clearly
points out that the jurisdiction in America prohibits permit grant for same sex marriage. Despite
the fact that everyone has a right to vote and every individual holds a different perspective out of
diversity, I still insist the law should have not passed. Same sex marriage was legalized in June,
2015.I did not vote in support of the law, neither, I am not disturbed by the existence of lesbian
or gay couples. However, the problem sets in when I have to explain to my kids what is
happening around regarding two ladies or two men who are married. How can they even
understand? Worst of all is the fact that my kids may think the practice is acceptable since the

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society around has embraced it. They may get the wrong ideas about the choices they have in
life, however, I try my best to make sure they do not perceive the practice as acceptable.

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Work Cited
Schiffren, Lisa. “Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron.” Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A
Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo

Bedau. 9


ed. Boston: Bedford, 2011. 723-726. Print.

Stoddard, B. Thomas. “Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal.” Current Issues and Enduring
Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. Ed. Sylvan

Barnet and Hugo Bedau. 9


ed. Boston: Bedford, 2011. 721-723. Print.

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