Choose three (3) of your classmate’s resumes (which can be found on Moodle), and pretend that they are finalists for the same position. Now, write a detailed evaluative memo to the rest of the job search committee arguing which one you should hire and why. This will require careful evaluation and explanation, and you will have to compare and contrast in detail between all three resumes.
Remember, your colleagues (on the committee) have selected these as the finalists, and some of them might think one of the other candidates is the best person for the job. So you need to make a good, solid argument of why your finalist is the one that is the best hire. Also, remember that you are not making the decision which applicant to hire. You are merely a member of an imaginary committee who will go on to decide (as a group)….so you are trying to persuade (not tell) others.
The most successful memos will be ones who compare three similar resumes of people with conflicting strengths and weaknesses, so be smart in which 3 you pick. These are all “finalists” for the position, so they should be of similar quality and have similar qualifications. Your job, is to parse out why your candidate is the best. For instance (an extreme example), choosing resumes from one of your classmates who is a tered Nurse and two of your classmates who are business majors with no nursing experience, and arguing why you should hire the R.N. is not the path to a good grade.
This should be a thorough, detailed, precise, and persuasive memo.