This assignment is due on Sunday….. no late work….. must meet all requirements……
Below is what I have started and what must be in the essay. Add on to it and meet all the requirements in the requirements section.
Please use portions of this in the essay:
Americans are defined by the accumulation or storage that they make. The consumption patterns of Americans have a huge impact on the expansion of storage industry. Consumer culture determines the explosive growth and the downturn of the economy. Self-storage considers both the quality and the quantity of the items that are stored (Mooallem 25-26). Accumulation of the items in America can be considered at the family, business, neighborhood and apartment. The value as well as the essence is very important in this case of self storage. The main purpose of the paper is to support the claim that Americans are defined by things they have accumulated.
The idea and act of storage in America has become the order of the day. Materialistic culture and the economy which is fluctuating encourage storage and many people cherish them so much. In companies, they are employing sales individual so that they can sell as many products as possible. The goods should be stored in large quantities so that many people who need them are able to collect and get them when they are in need (Shames 60-62). Americans believe that they can save the item in all aspects of their lives until they make them convenient for use. The purpose of the storage of items has been overemphasized because of the purpose of the storage as well as upkeep. America is becoming a nation which has a lot of goods. The nation is empty and those items are validated by empty people who do not understand the meaning of the items.
America is also defined by accumulation of things because people want to store more due to economic uncertainties. People want to life a good life where they own big homes, cars, businesses and other items. Americans are optimistic and they continue hoping for better life. Economy can collapse and the Americans make sure that during this period, they would have stable income and their lives would continue as usual (Shames 57-58). Their dreams increase the desire for more storage and those who have accumulated many things they are highly valued and respected. People want to be associated with people who have accumulated wealthy and those who have stored it for their future use. No one who wants expectations that are unreasonable due to lack of accumulation of things.
Similarly, self- storage is appreciated for the extending its value and essence to neighborhood, businesses, family home, municipalities and apartment. Individuals who have accumulated things tend to assist other people. They can help children who do not have parents, donate to other countries and they will be appreciated and praised for the good work which they do to the people (Mooallem 24). At some point, some of the items that are stored by the wealthy people do not use them or they do not need them. They prefer giving them to the poor or disadvantage people in the society. There are also organizations or industries which have taken the responsibilities of sponsoring people because they have accumulated many things for themselves and they can help others. These kinds of industries increase their sales because of the popularity of helping other people.
In conclusion, I support the claim that accumulation of things defines Americans because of materialistic culture and the economy which is fluctuating. People accumulate things because uncertainties in economy, they want appreciation and recognition from other people and they want to live a good life. Americans want to achieve their dreams by living in good and large homes as well as having a lot wealthy.
Essay requirements:
Five paragraphs
1,000 Words
Consider “The Self-Storage Self” by Jon Mooallem, (p 103). In an argumentative essay, support, refute, or complicate Tom Litton’s claim that “it’s the accumulation of things that defines you as an American” (para. 13). To develop your ideas, consult Laurence Shames’s “The More Factor” (p. 76) and the Introduction to Chapter 1, “Consuming Passions: The Culture of American Consumption” (p. 67).
Compose a rough draft for peer review and submit it to the Week 7 Argument Essay Peer Review discussion board by Sunday, September 29, 2019. The final draft is due to this folder by Sunday, October 6, 2019.
The essay should contain:
An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement and three supporting details
Three body paragraphs that address the supporting details with specific evidence from the sources listed above (a minimum of one quote, summary, or paraphrase per body paragraph);