Fahrenheit 451

Apr 3, 2024

B. Written Response: Read the following article about book burning.


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After a careful reading,  write a thoughtful paragraph responding to the article. (A thoughtful response might include any or all of the following: What did you learn by reading the article? Did the piece remind you of anything you had previously learned? What surprised or shocked you? What images or word choices struck you while reading? Does this article provide valuable lessons––Why or why not? What other thoughts did you have while reading the article?) 

Section II – Response Journal for a novel written with 3 chapters

Part 1 of the novel- “The Hearth and the Salamander” 

Written Response #1:

As you read the beginning of the novel, look for a short 5-10 line passage that you think describes best each of the following characters: Montag, Clarisse, and Mildred. Then, for each passage:

  1. Identify the page and paragraph where the passage is found. 
  2. Summarize the content of the passage. 
  3. Identify significant words that describe the character. 
  4. Explain what we learn about the character in this passage. 

Written Response #2

Copy down 10 or so lines of the text describing  the Mechanical Hound (with page(s)  where each description is given.) For follow up,  write a one paragraph response summarizing the Hound what you have learned about the hound.  To what is it being compared? Why? 

Written Response #3:

  1. Look up definitions of hearth and salamander
  2. In one paragraph, describe why you suppose the first section is called “The Hearth and the Salamander”? Find 2-3 excerpts from the text to include in your response as quotations. Highlight these excerpts in your paragraph.

Part 2 of the novel,  “The Sieve and the Sand” 

Written Response:

  1. Look up the definition of sieve
  2. In one paragraph, describe why you think this section is called “The Sieve and the Sand”? Use 2-3 excerpts from the text in your response. Highlight these excerpts in your paragraph. 

Part 3 of the novel,  “Burning Bright” 

Written Response: In 3-5 sentences, answer the following question: In your opinion, why is the final section of the book called “Burning Bright”? 

Section III – Overview Questions

A. Examine ways in which the novel as a whole enlarges the following features of modern society. Find 2-3 textual examples of each topic below. Then, create a T-chart, putting the topic on one side and the quote on the other. Include page number(s) with your quote. 

  • the fast pace of modern life 
  • emphasis on shallow entertainment; diminishment of quiet pursuits and family life 
  • violence/ diminished value for human life 
  • use of technology for sinister purposes 
  • diminished value for knowledge and education 

B. Written Response: In 1-2 pages, respond to the following prompt. 

Considering the notes you took on the above topics and the fact that Bradbury published this novel way back in 1950, some say the author was a brilliant prognosticator of the future. Do you agree? What evidence do you find in today’s world that Bradbury was correct or incorrect in predicting certain trends in society? Do you share the concerns he was expressing in the novel


(You may not use this example in your answer. )

Note that the header is LEFT-JUSTIFIED and the entire document is double-spaced with NO extra spaces between paragraphs or sections.

Your name

Ms. Creekmore   

English I Pre-AP


“He hung up his black beetle-colored helmet shined it; he hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he showered luxuriously, and then, whistling, hands in pockets, walked across the upper floor of the fire station and fell down the hole. At the last moment, when disaster seemed positive, he pulled his hands from his pockets and broke his fall by grasping the golden pole. He slid to a squeaking halt, the heels one inch from concrete floor downstairs” (4). [Provide a page number for each quote.]

This passage is about the character of Montag and his actions upon returning to the firehouse. The fact that he carefully shines his helmet and hangs both his helmet and jacket “neatly” suggests that Montag is a particular person when it comes to his personal belongings. He seems to revel in routine. However, he also seems reckless and daring as evidenced when he “fell down the hole” and only “broke his fall” at the last minute. In addition, Montag seems quite confident in himself and his abilities as evidenced by his “whistling” as he recklessly throws himself down the hole; he has complete confidence that he can save himself from the fall. 

[Repeat for Clarisse, Repeat for Mildred]

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