Find an example of public policy being promoted with the use of public

Mar 29, 2024

Db 6.1

Find an example of public policy being promoted with the use of public relations. How well did the public relations promote the policy? Describe specific techniques that were used.

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Db 6.2

What are the positive aspects of public relations being used by government? What role can public relations play in national emergencies and furthering public policy?

Db 6.3

Identify at least one role that each of the following departments/agencies have played in foreign or defense policy: the State Department, the Defense Department, the CIA, the National Security Council, etc. Explain if you feel that the role you identified is a proper role for that department/agency. Explain why you feel the way you do by clarifying what roles you feel each of the departments should be involved with.

Db 6.4

Find and read the Constitution of the United States, specifically the articles dealing with war powers. After reading the Articles of the Constitution that pertain to war powers, do you feel the executive branch should have as much power as it seems to have regarding war decisions? Do you feel the Supreme Court has taken an active enough roll in the war power debate? Justify your reasons.

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