GSCM 588 Article Summary Requirements

Apr 10, 2024


To write a summary, use your own
words to express the main ideas and relevant details of the article you have
read.Your purpose in writing the summary is to give the basic ideas of the
original article.What was it about and what were the key points?In this
assignment, it will also include a reflection and critique.

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  1. Select aspecificarticle of interest to you on the topic of a quality
    management–related subject.Examples may be how a given quality related
    problem was approached or solved at a company, or how a method of quality
    improvementwas used in a certain situation.You might want to review the
    text, lectures, and/or documents in doc sharing for ideas that interest
  2. The article needs to be a scholarly, peer-reviewed
    article, which you can find by using EBSCOhost.
  3. You also need to identify which of the course TCOs and
    specific topics in the Syllabus are related to the article you select.


  1. All papers should be single sided, double spaced, and written
    in12-point Times New Roman font.
  2. The paper should be between3 and5 pages, excludingthe cover
    page, reference pages, and appendices.
  3. The first page should include the title of the work;the
    student’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;the course
    number;the date; and the instructor’s name.
  4. Follow APA style for general format and citations.
  5. Paper sectionsmust adhere to the guidelines below and each sectionmust be labeled in the text.
  6. The language should be clear, concise, and precise.
  7. The tone should be professional, consistent, and not
    filled with jargon.
  8. Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be
  9. The report must be free of misspellingsand typos.

and Figures (if used)

  1. All figures and tables must be referred to in your text
    before they appear on the page.
    1. Figures and tables should appear on the same page that
      refers to them, or on the next page.
  2. All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below
    figures and above tables.

and Citations

  1. Quotations and citations are crucial components of a
    research paper.
  2. Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed
    ideas is plagiarism.
  3. Papers submitted without citations and references will
    be returned to the student with no grade.
  4. Refer to APA style guide for assistance with properly
    citing quoted and/or borrowed materials and ideas.

Your paper must include the
following sections.




Title Page


This should include the title of
your quality management research paper; your name, address, e-mail address, and
telephone number;the course number and title; the instructor’s name; and the date.



Provide an overview of the article
and why you selected it to review and summarize.

Key Points


Identify and clearly state the key
points of the articleand the quality management issue(s)to which they



In this section, you are to
reflect on your learning from this assignment. Identify the areas that you
found most interesting and also identify areas that you feel will assist you
most in your career.In addition, provide a critique if applicable.

References and APA Format


Although it is recognized that
there may be a limited number of references if any other than the article
being reviewed, all references must be cited in two places: within the body
of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously
and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using APA format.

To use the ideas or words of
another person without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in its
purest form involves copying passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim,
with no direct acknowledgment of the source. The most common form of
plagiarism is to paraphrase information from your source material.
Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to provide proper
identification of source data.

The best way to avoid plagiarism
is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions not your own are given
proper acknowledgment in your text. A key thought to remember is “If you did
not write it, cite it!”

Also, all other aspects of the
paper should conform to APA rules.



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