Create a film flyer/poster for one of the following cinemas/topics:
- Third Cinema
- Indian Cinema
- African Cinema
- Chinese Cinema
- Iranian Cinema
- Women Filmmakers
- African American Cinema
- LGBT Film History
This assignment will require you to do outside research. Your flyer/poster should include a clear discussion of the following: conventions, genres, possible cinematography elements, specific films, cultural topics, and narrative.
Write a 525-word summary of why you chose your specific cinema/topic, and a brief history of the cinema/topic.
Include in your flyer famous actors from those cinemas/topics, titles of movies, and details of the cinema/topics.
Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.
Submit your completed PowerPoint® to the Assignment Files tab.
For this assignment, you need to create a PowerPoint presentation with 4 slides ONLY:
1- Introduction Page (APA guidelines)
2- 525-word Summary Notes (entered as slide notes)
3- Poster (You WILL NOT be graded on the “graphic design” of your poster, since this is NOT a DESIGN course. But you need to add photos/text on your poster that relate to your topic.
4- Sources (APA guidelines)