I need help with a writing assignment that’s due Saturday 10/15/2016 by 6pm

Feb 4, 2025

Please follow project guidelines, and the paper needs to be original.  It need to be 600-1000 words.


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I need help with a writing assignment that’s due Saturday 10/15/2016 by 6pm
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 FAS 110CL Final Project


The project will be based on Water by the Spoonful (pages 403-435 in your textbook “The Creative Spirit”). You will choose one of the following jobs to fulfill: director, actor, designer, or administrator.


Below are complete guidelines for each job. Remember, choose something that plays to your skill set or to skills that you wish to improve upon. If you have absolutely no ability to draw, you may still be able to design a costume through a collage rendering. Do not let your inexperience discourage you from trying something new!




Your job is to write a director’s concept for Water by the Spoonful addressing the following questions:


 What themes are present in Water by the Spoonful? How do you plan to highlight those themes?


 What is the mood/atmosphere of this piece? How do you plan to create that mood/atmosphere?


 What artifacts in the characters’ lives might be part of the physical environment? In what ways is the environment personalized? Is one character’s point of view more important than another’s in determining the details of the physical environment? Does someone seem to own or dominate the space?


 What are the basic actions of the characters in the play? What are the necessary entrances and exits and the physical actions that the stage space must accommodate and support? What importance will you give to the online portions of the play? How will you direct your designers to tackle the online world of the play?




The paper must be:


 Double-spaced


 In 12-point font


 Between 600 and 1000 words




Submit this assignment to the Dropbox no later than Saturday 5:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 8. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)


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