Lackawanna ENG115 2021 September Assignment 12 Team Project Latest

Apr 3, 2024

ENG115 Business Communications

Assignment 12 Team Project

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Lackawanna ENG115 2021 September Assignment 12 Team Project Latest
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STEP 12:


Kudos to you! You’ve made it to the end of your team project! Since Module 1, you have been working in teams: some of you have been collaborating effectively – others, not so much. However, this is not a bad thing, as in real life, facing obstacles is not a question of “if” but of “when.”

In fact, in real life, you will always encounter obstacles. And working with a team is a necessary but stressful example of one instance when obstacles are bound to be prevalent due to diverse personalities, knowledge, and motivation.

Your teamwork in this class offered a simulation that enabled you to test out strategies and responses to different obstacles in a neutral environment that would not result in negative career consequences. This better prepares you for smoothing out the bumps in future – and real life – projects.

Now is the time to reveal the fruits of your labor: the website! In this final step, take the time to add the finishing touches to your business website, including the bio page from Step 10. You also have two more pieces to include if you have not already done so. See below.

In addition, use this checklist to ensure your website includes each of the following basics. The Step(s) in which you completed it is in parentheses for your convenience.

The name of your product/service, the logo, the slogan, and complete contact information (Steps 1-4 and Step 11)

Basic details about your product/service; answer who, what, when, where, why, and how? Be sure to also include customer costs (Steps 1-4)

Specific benefits of your product/service (Step 3)

A description of at least one audience concern and the change you have made to your product/service based on this concern (Step 4)

Information on why your product/service is better than your competitors’ (Steps 1-7)

Your investor news (Step 7-8)

Research from your article reviews (Step 9) and your strategic plan (Step 10)

A place for audience questions, comments, etc.

Images, working links, and proper proofreading on all website pages.

 You should also work together this week to complete and add the following two elements to your website:

Your mission statement for your product/service

You would have addressed the parts you need to write a mission statement in Steps 1-4. Use this resource to help: Mission Statements & Vision Statements (Links to an external site.)

Be sure your mission and vision include the big picture reason(s) why using your product/service is a must by considering your contribution to the community or world based on our ethics discussion

At least two unique ideas for how you will let people know about your product or service

For example: a special promotion, a connection to a community event, a demo video, an offer for free samples, etc.

When you are done, remember to PUBLISH your website and then share the live link with the rest of the class in the designated thread in Module 7. If your team communication was effective throughout the semester, your website will represent this well. And you will be rewarded for it. Please reply to the website thread with your vote for the team with the best communication of their business product or service based on their website. You may not vote for your own team. The team with the most votes will receive a 10-point extra-credit bonus. Also, a tie will be honored.

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