Literary Analysis

Jan 31, 2025

  •  Submit your Literary Analysis paper on the assigned novel  “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” authored by Mark Haddon.
  • Technical Requirements:
  • 4-5 pages in length, not including cover page and references page 
  • Use the APA template with APA cover and References page attached
  • Use a minimum of 5 outside resources, in addition to the textbook
  • At least three of the five resources need to be from the Rasmussen Online Library. The remaining articles should be from credible sources.

Outline and Thesis 

  • The introduction
  • The thesis statement
  • The annotated bibliography 
  • References


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Literary Analysis
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  The paper focuses on the thesis and annotated bibliography of the Novel- “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” authored by Mark Haddon.  The books narrates  how Christopher a  fifteen-year-old mathematician was mistaken for a dog killer, but later acquitted; he decides to search for the dog  killer (Huddon, 2003).  While in class, his teacher gives him an assignment to write a story.  In response, Christopher writes a detective story titled the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.  

The Thesis Statement

 The author of the novel uses different literary elements to write the story.  For instance, Christopher Boone, who is the main character in the novel suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, he is a literalist and a math whiz (Haddon, 2003). It indicates that although he is mentally challenged, he is able to solve problems including conducting detective work.  The paper explains four elements of fiction namely; the themes, the style, the characters and the tone depicted in the novel. 

Annotated Bibliography

Haddon, M (2003). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.  London: Jonathan Cape   Publishers 

 The novel explains a detective story written as a class assignment by Christopher Boon.  The author explains that detective work entailed interviewing residents. During the detection, Christopher unveils new information, which although not related to the objective of the investigation, reveals that his father had a romantic a fair with the dog owner.  It shows that during investigations some new information is discovered.  For example, Christopher discovered that his father had lied to him about his mother’s disappearance. The novel exhibits the themes of autism, detection and tragedy.

Hansen, L (2003). Interview: Mark Haddon discusses his Book- The Curious Incident of the Dog   in the Night-time. NPR Weekend Edition,on 12thOctober 2003. Web. Accessed on 19/1/2019.

 The interview highlights tragedy as one of the themes in the Novel. The author of the novel explains that the book starts with the death of a dog, which was found lying on the grass near Mrs. Shears’ house.  The death of the dog is what triggered the writing of the detective story by Christopher Boone.  The interview explains the tone of the novel as being neutral tone   using a boy’s voice.  The neutral tone explains what the author feels about the story. The interview is important because it explains the feeling of the author about the story

Brock, A. (2014).  Brock’s folk. In G. Cuthbertson, and Owen G., Wilfred (p. 200). New Haven,   NJ: Yale University Press.

 The chapter explains how Arthur Brock influenced Wilfred Owen to use spirits of place in poems. The article explains the use of the stylistic device in literary works particularly in poetry.  The article is appropriate for the paper because it supports the thesis statement by explaining some of the literary styles. 

 Hughes T & Harding, K (2014). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.  BMJ Journals, 14(6), pp. 357-367

  The article explains how   individuals’ suffering from autism can be   understood and appreciated.  Notably, people with autism are difficult to understand because of their queer communication channels.  People with Asperger’s syndrome feel different; therefore, the article explains how such people feel when in a company of others. The article helps to explain the theme of autism, which is depicted in the novel.  

Bill, G (2004).  The Curious Incidence of Novels about Asperger’s Syndrome. Children’s   Literature in   Education,35(1), pp. 271-284. 

 Conclusion, the article explains Asperger’s syndrome. The explanation helps to understand the book and evaluate the character of Christopher Boone, who is the main character in the novel.  For instance,   the novel explains that Christopher likes being alone, tight spaces, dogs, prison cells and detective stories. Such behavior is well explained from the perspective of Asperger’s Syndrome.  The article contributes to the explanation of the thesis. 


Bill, G (2004).  The Curious Incidence of Novels about Asperger’s Syndrome. Children’s   Literature in Education,35(1), pp. 271-284. 

 Brock, A. (2014).  Brock’s folk. In G. Cuthbertson, and Owen G., Wilfred (p. 200). New Haven,   NJ: Yale University Press.

Haddon, M (2003). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.  London: Jonathan Cape   Publishers. 

Hansen, L (2003). Interview: Mark Haddon discusses his Book- The Curious Incident of the Dog   in the Night-time. NPR Weekend Edition,on 12thOctober 2003. Web. Accessed on   19/1/2019.

Hughes  T & Harding, K (2014). The Curious  Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.  BMJ   Journals, 14(6), pp. 357-367

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