ANSWER BOTH FORUMS SEPARATE. Submit each one on it’s on!!!
250 words minimum
The forum for this week addresses the third learning objective: Produce an original opinion based on assigned literature.
Which character in Wuthering Heights do you find most interesting? This could be the character you find most relatable, repulsive, complex, caring, strange, etc. Pretend you are this character and write a diary entry. You could consider what motivates the character, how he or she feels about other characters, what he or she will do in the future, etc. Be sure to go beyond plot summary and develop insights into the character you have selected. If you have not finished the novel, answer this question based on what you know thus far about the character.
250 words minimum
The forum for this week addresses the third learning objective: Produce an original opinion based on assigned literature and the fourth learning objective: Discuss major literary movements in English literature from the 18th century to the present.
After completing the assigned readings and reviewing the resources, discuss the reading of one of the assigned literary authors you believe best represents the Romantic period and why. (Hint: consider common characteristics of Romantic literature as discussed in the introductory reading and documentaries)