Class: Ethical Decision Making Through Film
Assignment: 1500 WORD ESSAY: Compare & Contrast (on 2 MOVIES) Write about the similarities, differences, or both. MLA Format & you must follow block or alternating pattern format. (SEE THE ATTACHED DOCS. FOR ESSAY OUTLINE)
***The only research is pupposed to be from the films. My teacher wants the movies to be the primary sources. There must be quotes from the films. The films must be cited correctly using the MLA format as a Works Cited at the end of the paper.
1. Choice of one set, of thetwo films from the list of sets. (Attached)
2. Compare and/or contrast the ethical decision of each character.
3. What was the event that led the characters to their decision?
What was the decision?
How did each character reach his or her decision?
How was the film effective in conveying this?
DUE: Tuesday @ 1PM
Let me know if you are willing to help, thank you so much 🙂