Native American Religion or Social Groups

Jan 31, 2025

Native American Religion or Social Groups


Choose either Option A or Option B. Formulate an initial post in which you address the points noted in the prompt for your chosen option

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Native American Religion or Social Groups
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Option A: Native American Religion
Read the article, Indian Prisoners Claim Spiritual Needs Ignored. Then, address the following:

  • Should Native Americans be able to perform their ceremonies in prison? Explain your position using evidence from the article and your textbook.
  • Do inmates give up all rights when they enter prison? Does this include the right to practice their religion? Does this apply to all prisoners, or just to Native Americans?

Option B: Social Groups
There are many different kinds of social groups in the United States: clubs, fraternities, gangs, counterculture groups, online communities, etc. Identify a social group that you are part of, and then discuss which of the social control mechanisms (mentioned in section 8.4 of the textbook) are applied in your group. Why do you think these forms of social control are effective?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly sources. Cite your sources in the body of your post and provide a complete reference for each source used at the end of it. By Day 7, respond to at least two of your peers, including one who responded to the option you did not choose. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic by respectfully asking questions, raising new points for consideration, or requesting clarification from your fellow students.


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