No Plagerism ***MISS PROFESSOR***

Feb 4, 2025

3 research/reference sources (1=textbook; 1=internet; 1=another outside book, journal, etc. – non-internet);

Paper Outline (do not include these sections in the paper – they are for formatting purposes, only):

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No Plagerism ***MISS PROFESSOR***
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I. Introduction Parag. w/ Thesis Statement (put Thesis Statement in bold, underline OR italicized)

II. Background Info (historical info about the subject)

III. Specific item of subject surveyed

IV. Specific item of subject surveyed

V. Specific item of subject surveyed

VI. Conclusion

*The Thesis Statement is located in the Introductory paragraph – and is found either as the first sentence or the last sentence of this paragraph;

* It is a Declarative Sentence = ends in a period;

* It is a sentence that informs the reader about the subject of the paper

* It may be specific or general

Topics: You may survey any reading that has already been discussed in class.


I want to correlate the use of women as breeders in “The Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift and the use of slave women as breeders after Congress ended the nations participation in the international slave trade which ended the importation of slaves from Aftrica or the West Indies during the Antebullem Period.  




1.  The Norton Anthology Western Literature 9th Edition Volume 2






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