paper about Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Medea

Feb 5, 2025

ake sure to look at Paper Requirements for the specifics on the layout of these papers.

Possible Topics for Paper 2A (remember – these questions are not thesis statements! I give them in the hopes that by answering the question you have found your thesis statement. Do not try to answer ALL of the questions for each play; this is far too much for 3 pages! Instead, answer the first question and then use the other questions as a template to elaborate on your thesis statement.)

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paper about Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Medea
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Oedipus Rex – What is the lesson in this play? Make sure to use details and quotes from the play to back up

your answer and address the other possible lessons.

Antigone – What kind of larger issues are contemplated through the action of this play? What position does

Sophocles take? Does this reflect issues of his own time?

Medea – Is Euripides the first feminist?

Bacchae – How are we meant to view Dionysus in the play the Bacchae? Is he portrayed in a positive light?

Why or why not; what is Euripides trying to say to the audience?

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