This week, we will be looking at the Argument Synthesis. You will begin to work on this section, and learn how to develop a thesis and introduction, along with a body outline, and your preliminary conclusion. The major difference between the Explanatory Synthesis and the Argument Synthesis is one of purpose: the Explanatory Synthesis seeks to inform while the Argument Synthesis seeks to persuade. Each type requires a clear thesis statement, and although all thesis statements may be seen as argumentative to some extent, the thesis for the Argument Synthesis is persuasive in purpose while the thesis for the Explanatory Synthesis is, according to Behrens and Rosen, “fairly modest in purpose. It emphasizes the sources themselves, not the writer’s use of sources to persuade others.”
In this chapter, you are introduced to the elements of persuasion, and guidance is provided for developing and organizing your support. Additionally, an annotated model paper highlights and discusses the use of argumentative strategies. Be sure to review these strategies to help guide you. This chapter is important ,as you could use this type of essay for your final research essay.
We will also begin looking at the advertising world, a big shift from the last few weeks.The readings in this section consider that, even though advertising methods and styles have changed from the post-WWII era, the psychological techniques that worked in earlier advertising have remained the same. The chapter therefore invites us to speculate on certain qualities of human nature that may remain constant over time (over the last 60 years, at least) and the ways in which we remain susceptible to certain appeals. These readings give you an excellent opportunity to practice the techniques of analysis introduced in Chapter 6, as we dissect “Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals.”
Best of luck!
- Analyze the techniques of advertising and how they affect the general public
- Start to draft an outline for your Argumentative Synthesis
- Actively participate in the Discussion Board
- Read Chapter 5: Argument Synthesis
- Read Chapter 14: New and Improved: Six Decades of Advertising
- Read Fowles, “Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals” (page 551) and Bovée, Thill, Dovel, and Wood, “Making the Pitch in Print Advertising” (page 570)
- Synthesis Activity: Choose an Activity from Chapter 14 pages 615 #1, #3, #5 or #10. This assignment spans two weeks. An outline of the Argument Synthesis is due this Sunday at 11:59PM EST. The final draft of the Argumentative Synthesis is due next Sunday at midnight EST.
- Research Paper: Continue developing research topic.