Problem Statement – 700 words

Feb 4, 2025

A draft of proposal argument, but just the problem statement part.


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Problem Statement – 700 words
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Discuss at least two possible solutions. One of these may be the solution you propose in your final paper, but after your research, you may settle on a solution that hasn’t occurred to you yet.

  • Think of this as the first half of the proposal argument
  • Write a paragraph or two detailing the problem you are addressing
    • Why is worth addressing?
    • What is the context?
    • Who will be affected?
    • What happens if nothing is done?

My topic: plastic pollution

Possible Problems (in my opinion): 

  • Not bio-degradable, cause future problem issue
  • Animals eat plastic bags (sea turtles)

These are possible problems that I thought about, anything else is welcomed. I need a 700-word draft about possible problems that plastic pollution could cause.


I’ve uploaded a gereral rubric for essays for this class.

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