Assignment 6_06, Gun laws in the U.S.
4, Nov, 2015
I. Gun laws in the U.S.
A. To convince my audience that gun laws in the U.S should not allow any individuals
can keep and bear arms except law enforcement and military.
B. To inform the audience of significant danger of having gun, and law enforcement in
the U.S will protect us from any harm.
C. Gun violence in the United States results in thousands of deaths and thousands more
injuries annually.
II. There are three major ways to prove what happened after allow firearms to individuals.
A. Suicides involving firearms.
B. Violent crime related to guns.
C. Accidental gun injuries.
III. Body of the Presentation.
A. Suicides involving firearms.
1. There were 19,392 firearm-related suicides in the U.S in 2010.
2. Individuals living in a home where firearms are present are more likely to commit
suicide than those individuals who do not own firearms.
B. Violent crime related to guns.
1. According to the FBI, in 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in
the U.S, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.
2. The U.S.A is ranked 3rd out of 45 developed nations in regards to the incidence of
homicides committed with a firearm.
C. Accidental gun injuries.
1. Over 120 children 15 years old or younger were killed in gun accidents in 1998.
2. The injuries are self-inflicted in half of the cases.
IV. Gun laws in the U.S that allow the individual’s to protect themselves not harm the others
nor make crime. If the economy going down, I am sure that more crime and suicide will
increase dramatically. That is why we should not allow to own firearm to individuals.
Second Amendment.