As far as the procedural dimension of customer
service at a DVD rental store is concerned, convenience,
flexibilityand consistencyare
vital for the success of the operation.
Write an essay defining the meaning and explaining the importance of convenient, flexible and consistent service, and, with reference
to the following newspaper review, give at
least one example of how Vista DVD Rentals failed in each area and the probable impact on the customers. (The examples must be paraphrased in academic language,in
other words, not copied from the
suggest ways in which the service at Vista could be improved.
You must
include the following in your introduction:
the importance of customer service in New Zealand today
A definition of customer service
A classification of the two
dimensions of customer service
A thesis statement indicating the plan of your essay
Include four paragraphs in the
body of the essay.
Write a concluding paragraph
summarising the main points and a final comment