TUX101The Trident University Experience
Module 1 -Home
Welcome, Learning Theories, & the Benefits to Higher Education
As stated in the SLP assignment we try to make the case assignment a theory based assignment and the SLP the practical application based assignment. Now that you are working on the case assignment I want you to review some theories pertaining to learning and how individuals learn. If you haven’t already done so review the Andragogy and Learning Styles information on the background page of the module.
Now you are ready to begin the case assignment.
Please answer the two questions below:
What is your VARK preferred learning style? How will this style help you be successful at Trident University International?
Define andragogy and discuss the benefits of this learning method for the adult learner.
Assignment Expectations:
A 3 – 4 page paper addressing the two above questions using new times roman 12 pitch font, double spaced and citing at least two different sources.
As with your SLP assignment start with some brainstorming then outline your paper organizing your thoughts.
Your paper should start with an introduction (tell the reader what it is you are going to write about), a body (write about what it is you said you were going to write about), and a conclusion (tell the reader what it is that you wrote about).
When complete upload this to the module 1 case assignment area.
Module 1 -SLP
Welcome to the Module 1 session long project (SLP) for TUX 101.
The SLP assignment is the applied assignment of the module for most courses. We try to make the case assignment a theory based assignment and the SLP the practical application based assignment. Due to the uniqueness of this course the SLP assignments will all be related to you, the practical side of the course.
For this first SLP assignment I want you to complete the Building Your Support Team assignment at the link below. Every successful person has a strong support team, including all of Trident’s Distinguished Alumni. In order to reach your academic and personal goals you will need to quickly identify key members of your support team.
http://www.billgeorge.org/files/media/true-north1/chapter7exercises.pdfAccessed October 1, 2012.
Assignment Expectations:
When complete upload save and upload the PDF to the module 1 SLP assignment area.
Module 2 -Home
Study Techniques, Motivation and Goal Setting
elcome to the module 2 case assignment, the theoretical assignment for the module.
As stated in Module 1, we try to make the case assignment a theory based assignment and the SLP the practical application based assignment. Now that you are working on the case assignment I want you to review some theories pertaining to motivation to learn. If you haven’t already done so, please review the “Motivation to Learn” section on the background page of the module.
Now you are ready to begin the case assignment.
Studies show that adults who choose to participate in distance education coursework can be described as highly motivated (Moore and Kearsley, 2005). However, in a 1998 survey performed by the Distance Education and Training Council, it was found that only 57% of adult learners completed distance education courses in which they were enrolled. This contradiction provides a rationale for examining the role of motivation in distance education. Since more and more students are turning toward online learning to meet their educational needs, it is important to focus on motivation in online learning.
Read and review the Powerpoint and readings and complete the sample Compass placement test (Sentence Skills, Reading Comprehension, and College-level Math sections).
1. Briefly describe intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in your own words.
2. What are some of the challenges that students in an online learning environment face that are different compared to students at traditional institutions?
3. Based on your review of the Compass practice test. How do you feel about your academic preparation in English and Mathematics?
4. Have you ever heard of Khan Academy? Create an account and log-in tohttp://www.khanacademy.org/ Identify a Math problem from the Accuplacer Math section that you were unable to solve. Can you find a video on the Khan site to assist you?Now that we’ve looked at Math, let’s explore academic reading. Read the Gillett article on Academic Reading (http://www.uefap.com/reading/readfram.htm), then complete the exercises. How did you do?
Assignment Expectations:
A 3 – 4 page paper addressing the three above questions using new times roman 12 pitch font, double spaced and citing at least two different sources.
As with your SLP assignment start with some brainstorming then outline your paper organizing your thoughts.
Your paper should start with an introduction (tell the reader what it is you are going to write about), a body (write about what it is you said you were going to write about), and a conclusion (tell the reader what it is that you wrote about).
When complete upload this to the module 2 case assignment area.
Module 2 -SLP
Welcome to the Module 2 session long project (SLP) for TUX 101.
For this second SLP assignment I want you to read the information on the background page of the module pertaining to the goal setting. In addition, we will review a well known approach to creating goals, known as the SMART criteria. George Doran first developed the SMART criteria for goal setting in an 1981 issue of Management Review. The characteristics were later described inAttitude is Everything. You can read a brief review of the principles in the following link:
Meyer, Paul (2003). “What would you do if you couldn’t fail?”Attitude is Everything. Retrieved Febraruy 29, 2012 from:
click here
You will now create your own goal setting worksheet using the following:
Click on the The Five-Step Approach templatehere. Cut and paste the worksheet (twice) in a word document. You will create TWO goals. Please set one academic goal for this current session. The second goal should be a long term academic goal.
Assignment Expectations:
Your assignment should be submitted in a 2-3 page word document.
To get started do some brain storming. Take a pencil and paper and just start writing down some things you’d like to include in the paper. Then create a rough outline of your paper organizing these thoughts. Now you are ready to start writing.
When complete upload this to the module 2 SLP assignment area.
Module 3 -Home
Academic Information
Case Assignment:
This case assignment will help you set up criteria for critically the content of a website. The article at the link below will guide you through a series of questions to ask when looking at a website.
Evaluating Website Content:
http://olinuris.library.cornell.edu/ref/research/webeval.html Accessed April 19, 2013
Essay writing exercise: Use the Exploring Website Content article above to evaluate the http://www.malepregnancy.com/ website. Write a 2-3 page essay using one of the evaluative criteria established in the article.
Assignment Expectations:
- Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length and written using APA formatting style.
- You should use at least two background reading sources and be sure to properly cite and reference these sources.
- You should include at least one of the two journal articles as a background source to support your arguments.
- Remember to include a thesis statement very early on in your essay.
- Submit your completed case assignment essay to Coursenet.
SLP Assignment:
Describe what it means to write with academic honesty and why this is important. Describe common techniques used for assuring references are properly cited and specifically discuss how verbatim vs. paraphrased materials should be properly cited in a paper according to APA formatting specifications.
Complete the online Plagiarism Tutorial:
https://www.indiana.edu/~istd/plagiarism_test.html Accessed on September 16, 2012
Assignment Expectations:
Upload and email your Certificates of Completion.
Module 4 -Home
Library and Trident University Online Resources
This case assignment is a bit different from many in that a good portion of the background reading topic is up to you. Since a good portion of this module deals with how to access library documents and integrate your findings into an essay, you are instructed to do the following:
Select a topic that you find interesting. It could be related to your degree pursuits, your job, or something that interests you in general. Go into the library link and find an article in the Proquest data base and an article in the EBSCO web data base related to the topic you selected. Also also search for a related article using a commonly available search engine such as Google or Yahoo. In a 2 – 3 page essay discuss the following:
1. Integrate the three articles into an overall discussion of the topic describing what you learned from the three articles. Which article did you find more informative and why?
2. Discuss and describe the kind of articles or web pages provided by the three search engines. Did the search engine provide peer reviewed articles? …Newspaper articles? …Governmental sources? …Other?
3. In which situations would you find each of the search engines most useful?
Assignment Expectations:
- Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length and written using APA formatting style.
- You should properly cite and reference the background sources you discuss.
- Submit your completed case assignment essay.
In this assignment you are asked to put on the hat of the Trident Administrator who is charged with the responsibility of helping prospective students to understand what Trident University International is all about, and is responsible for assuring prospective students have access to the information they need to make an informed choice in relation to earning a degree at Trident University. Your task at hand is to critically evaluate the usefulness of Trident University International’s web pages and the other resources that are available to prospective students. In a 1-2 page essay, describe what you believe to be most useful to new and prospective students in relation to web resources and other services provided to this group of individuals, and also comment on areas where you think Trident U. can improve.
Assignment Expectations:
- Your essay should be 1-2 pages in length and written using APA formatting style.
- You should do your best to properly cite and reference the background sources you discuss.
- Submit your completed case assignment essay.
Module 5 -Home
Career Exploration
Read the articles in the links below and identify someone that you would like to conduct an informational interview with in the near future.
http://www.collegecareerlifeplanning.com/Documents/4%20Career%20Planning/j%20Networking%20Internships/Questions%20to%20Ask.pdf Accessed September 15, 2012
http://shiftingcareers.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/29/mastering-the-informational-interview Accessed September 16, 2012
1.Who did you identify and what is their job title?
2. Which questions from the articles above would be most appropriate to ask them?
3.What do you anticipate learning from this experience?
Assignment Expectations:
- Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length and written using APA formatting style.
- You should properly cite and reference the background sources you discuss.
- Submit your completed case assignment essay.
Purdue Online Writing Lab. Resume Workshop. Retrieved February 29, 2012 from:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/719/1/
Trident Career Powerpoint Presentation
Module 6 -Home
Integration and Reflection
Your module 6 tasks:
You are to prepare a reflective essay in which you address each of the following items:
1. You are to prepare a reflective essayin which you address each of the following items:
a. Descriptions of how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this session through this course.
b. Evaluation of the work you did during the session for the class and explanations of ways you could have performed better.
c. Topics you have identified that you did not understand or were not successful in trying to implement and suggestions you may have about how to improve the course material on those topics.
d. Ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement;
e. State whether you achieved the course objectives (listed above and course syllabus page)
This Self Reflective Essay is a REQUIRED course component (but not part of your final grade). You need to upload the essay in the corresponding area.