Week 5: Proposed Organization Development Intervention(s)/Strategy(ies) and Suggested Evaluation Approach/Milestone Three
For your course project work this week, consider what you have learned about evaluating and designing interventions. Use this knowledge to complete the third milestone of your course project.
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Milestone Three: Proposed Organization Development Intervention(s)/Strategy(ies) and Suggested Evaluation Approach
Using information from the previous two milestone papers:
- Recommend an organizational development strategy(ies).
- Provide your rationale as to why you think this approach is the best to address the identified problem. This will require a consultant focused analysis of your identified organizational problem and an academic literature review of similar organization problems and organizational development intervention strategy (ies) that you believe will be the most appropriate in solving the problem.
- Also provide an evaluation plan for the proposed intervention(s).
Your assignment should be no fewer than 3-4 page(s) in length.
At least one peer-reviewed journal articles are required per page. Reference all sources using APA format. For guidance using APA format, please contact your instructor