Week 8 ENG 227 course project

Apr 10, 2024

In Week 8, your Formal Proposal should contain the following:

  • Be
    formatted as a formal proposal, following the guidelines for formal
    proposals in the text (including the guidelines for headings and
    subheadings found on pages 426-439);
  • Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts.
  • The
    Formal Proposal should contain appropriate prefatory, text, and
    supplemental parts, including the following: a cover and/or title page;
    Correspondence of Transmittal; a Table of Contents; the four-part
    Introductory section from Week 6; appropriately labeled body sections;
    and Appendices, and list of References. Your Formal Proposal does not
    need to contain all of these parts, but should contain most of them.;
  • Fully
    explain the “green” strategy you are proposing. (The word count for the
    intro, body, and conclusion should be 1250-1750 words);
  • Include
    a Gantt chart and at least one other visual aid that presents data or
    is used to clarify a complicated concept. Visual aids and their
    inclusion must adhere to the standards we studied in this course, and
    which are presented in Chapter 9 (specifically refer to Integrating
    Visuals with Text on page 244);
  • Use at least six credible researched sources appropriately and effectively (no more than 33% from Web searches);
  • Include
    proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of-text
    citations — please check your work using the Dropbox/Turnitin.com); and
  • Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

A successful Formal Proposal will include the following:

  • The revised (as indicated by the professor in the Week 6 graded assignment) Table of Contents and Introduction section.
  • The
    Table of Contents is complete and provides a clear outline for how the
    proposal will flow.The Introduction includes all four sections with
    fully developed original text appropriate for each section.
  • Evidence
    the writer fully and firmly grasps the purpose/goals of the proposal
    assignment, including selecting the appropriate organizational approach.
  • Body of proposal is be properly formatted, with at least two heading levels.
  • Well-developed
    content that is written in the student’s own words (introduction, body,
    and conclusions/recommendations should be between 1250-1750 words).
  • Sufficient research material to support ideas.
  • A Gantt chart and at least one other visual aid that are properly referenced and cited as needed.
  • Direct
    quotes and/or paraphrases of outside material that are properly
    integrated into the text and cited (in-text and end-of text) per APA
  • A references page that lists at least six credible sources (with at least 66% of sources coming from DeVry’s library).
  • Proper use of formatting and style (e.g., bullets, headings, lists, and so forth).
  • An awareness and proper use of all 10 writing conventions for professional writing (as appropriate) covered in Week 2.
  • Use of proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

Grading Rubrics

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Category Points % Description
Content 70 47 Fulfills
the purpose of the assignment clearly and completely; quality of
information; adequate support and development; ideas work together as a
unified whole; written in student’s own words; source material is
properly quoted and/or paraphrased per APA guidelines
Style and Conventions 25 16.5 Written
for intended audience; professional tone and style; employs clarity,
conciseness, fluency, etc.; free of grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Structure/Organization/Format 25 16.5 Effective
document design (e.g., includes at least two heading levels, bulleted
lists, page numbers, etc.); formatted correctly in appropriate medium
(i.e., formal proposal which includes required prefatory, text, and
supplemental parts); information presented in a logical arrangement
using the appropriate organization
References 20 13 A
minimum of six (6) sources — with a minimum of 66% of sources used come
from DeVry’s library — are cited in the text and listed on the
references page per APA guidelines; citations and bibliographic material
are properly formatted per APA guidelines; reference page is properly
Visual Aids 10 7 Includes
a Gantt chart and at least one other visual aid; visual aids are
relevant, appropriate for the material presented, are properly labeled
and referenced in the text of the proposal; source of visual aid is
cited (if visual aid is not the student’s creation)
Total 150 100 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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