which of the following statements best describes the benefits

Apr 10, 2024

final quiz

1)which of the following statements best describes the benefits of gathering background information after you have a specific researched topic in mind?

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a) gathering bacground information will give you all the information you need to research your topic .

b) gathering background information can help you narrow the focus of your topic

c) gathering background information can help you keep track of your research to avoid plagiarism

d) gathering background information can help you fill in the gaps after you have finished your research to see what you may have missed on the topic

2) once you have identified the key concept of a topic or research questions and thought of additional keywords (synonyms) or related terms), the next step is to use a combination of key concepts and keywords to develop a

a) Boolean operator

b) search statement

c) subject heading

d) search heading

3) which is a vital component of effective search statements that allows you to combine search terms to broaden or narrow your search?

a) related terms

b) keywords

c) Boolean operator

d) truncation

4) match the appropriate search statements to the types of searches listed below.

network not security 1) both search terms present

network And secur 2) either serch term present

network Or security 3) excluding one search term

network And security 4) retrieves alternative word ending

network And (seurity or protection) 5)search terms combined as a phrase

5) which is an example of a search statement correctly using the advanced searching technique nesting?

a) apple And ”farmers market”

b) (apple Or pear) AND ”farmers market”

c) terms assigned to describe items in database

d) apple Or pear And farm

6) which advanced searching technique is correctly used in the search statement: toddler And ”Montessori school”

a) nesting

b) truncation

c) phrase searching

d) no advanced searching technique is used in the search statement.

7) a scientist generating data based on observation of the life cycle of a butterfly and a college student writing a critique of a work of art are both example of:

a) common knowledge

b) information creation

c) peer review

d) secondary sources

8) the publication and use of…………is typical cyclical

a) primary sources

b) database records

c) search statement

d) academic research

9) the most common types of information you swill encounter when doing academic research are.

a) firsthand accounts and primary sources

b) primary and secondary sources

c) Mla and Apa citations

d)library database and search engines

10) which of the following best describes the difference between primary and secondary sources?

a) primary sources are sources of information or data that are interpreted, evaluated, or analyzed, and secondary sources are sources that interpret, evaluate, or analyze primary sources.

b) primary sources are sources of information or data that are not interpreted, evaluated, or analyzued, and secondary sources are sources that interpret, evaluate, or analyze primary source

c) primary sources are sources of information or data that are not interpreted, evaluated, or analyzed, and secondary sources are sources that only interpret, evaluate, or analyze secondary sources.

d) there is no obvious difference between primary sources and secondary sources.

11) your instructor told you that one of your selected sources listed below is not a secondary source. which of these source will you have to replace?

a) criminal justice book

b) eyewitnesss account

c) literature review published in a law journal

d) all three are examples of secondary sources

12) your instructor told you that one of your selected sources listed below is not a primary source. which of these sources will you have to replace?

a) trial transcript

b) prisoners diary

c) census data

d) criminal justice literature review

13) which of the following statements best describes academic libraries? academic libraries:

a) contain materials that support the research needs of faculty and students

b) include four-year public college libraries, four-year private college libraries, university libraries, and two-year, community college libraries

c) include many that are open to the public and if you are unable to borrow materials, you can often use their resources on site.

d) all of the above

14) which of the following statements best describes public librearies? public libraries:

a) may be a good place to start your academic research even though most do not own the large collection of scholarly books and specialized journals appropriate for more in-depth investigation that a research library contains

b) do not vary in the amount and types of resources offerred

c) do not have electronics research database

d) are only located in cities or towns with more than 250,0000 people

15) the following statement describes government depository librearies , except:

a) government depository libraries have broad collection

b) government depository libraris were established by congress to ensure the american public has access to published us government information

c) goverment documents are available only in print form in agovernment depository library

d) government depository libraries often include state law libraries.

16) which library research database include information about articles published in magazines, lournals, and newspaper?

a) periodical database

b) statistical database

c) refference database

d) electronic book database

17) you need to locate an article that (1) is published by a university or proffessional association(2) is authored by clearly defined experts with significant knowledge in the subject are, oe scholars and / or researchers, and (3) include a bibliography. which source would best meet your needs?

a) a newspaper artice

b) an article from a trade publication

c) a magazine article

d) a scholarly article

18) choose which article title would most likely be described by the database subject headings victims of famine, ireland, history.

a) ”Irish babies, african mothers: Rites of passage and rights in citizenship in post millenial Ireland”

b) ”how many irish potato famine deaths? towards coherence of the evidence

c) ” good man, mary! women musicians and the fraternity of irish traditional music

d) ” the gloomy forebodings of this dread disease; climate, famine and sleeping sickness in east africa

19)once you have (1) performed a search in a database, (2) reviewed the list of results, and (3) evaluate a specific source from the result list, what is the next step?

a) identify the author

b) cite the source in your paper

c) evaluate the content of the source

d) determine the date it was published

20) for your research paper on the history of Maui, you locate a source covering the overall history of the hawwaiian islands,. as you evaluate the source, however you decide not to use it in your research, because it never mentions Mau. this significant omission of information falls and what criterion for evaluating resource

a) authority

b) reliability

c) coverage

d) currency

21) which of the following statements about when to cite source is true?

a) if you paraphrase or summarize an idea from another work, you must also supply an in text citation or referrence to the source as well as a full citation.

b) if you quote another work word for word, you must put the passage in quotation marks, but you need not to include a citation in a work cited or reference list

c) if you paraphrase or summarize an idea from another work, you must supply an in-text citation or referrence to the source, but do not need a full citation at the end of your paper.,

22) most citation styles require similiar elements (eg..author, publication date, title, and the date retrieved if found online, to be included in the citation, no matter if you are using mla style, apa style, or chicago style.

a) true

b) false

part 2- for a course on contemporary issues in science, you are assigned to write a research paper on a current issue. you have choosen the topic ”genetically modified foods. your assignment indicates that you should use a variety of resources, including books, articles, and websited, to find information for your paper.

23) applying evaluation criterion for web sources, which of the following seems most appropriate to use in your research on genetically mofified foods?

a) websites of a company that produces gentetically modified corn, last updated in2002.

b) annotated bibliography on gentetically altered crops published in 2009 by a federal agriculture agency

c) websites of a vegeterian activist group that advocates organic food production

d) essay on genetics in foods posted on a well-known university website that is unfinished and has no author and no date.

24) which of the following search statement would be most likely to retrieve relevant articles on the topic of the health risk of genetically modified foods for children with food allergiies?

a) allerg” And (child’ Or youth) And ”genetically modified foods”

b) genetically modified foods ”And health

c) (nutrition Or allergies)And child

d) health And risk And (child’Or youth) and allergies

25) you have found a journal article, that analyzes recent trends in genetically engineered crop research. this article would be considered which type of information?

a) primary

b) secondary

26) after searching for information on your topic in the library catalog, web search tools, and library database, you have still not found enough material on your topic. what should you do next?

a) narrow your keywords to include more specific terms on the topic

b) broaden your keyword and revise your search statement

c) change your topic to one that is covered in your textbook

d) write the paper using the materials you found

you have found the following database record when searching for articles on your research topic. use it to answer question. the next two question.

strategies to evaluate the safety of bioengineeed foods, Delaney, Bryan

international journal of toxicology:sept. 2007, vol.26 issue 5, pp. 389-399

health source: nursing/ academic edition

genetically modified foods

transgenic plants


herbicides resistence

pesticides resistence


analytical biochemistry



27) what is the title of the article?

a) health source: nursing/ academic edition

b)international journal of toxicology

c) strategies to evaluate the safety of bioengineering foods

d) genetically modified foods

28) which of the following is a subject headings for this article?

a) Delaney, Bryan

b) health source: nursing/ academic edition

c) genetically modified organisms

d) food- biotechnology

you have found the following journal article citations in the library databse academic search complete.

genetically modified food from crops: progress, pawns, and possibilities. By Marin, Xenia. Analytical & Bioanaalytical chemistry, Oct. 2008, vol. 392 issue 3, pp. 333-340

29) which of the following citation is the correct mla format for an academic journal article from a library database?
a) Marin, X genetically modified food from crops: progress, pawns, and possibilities. analytical & bioanalytical chemistry 392.3 (2008): 333-40.academic search complete. web 22 Nov. 2009
b) Morin, xenia: ”genetically modified food from crops: progress, pawns and possibilities” analytical & bioanalytical chemistry volume 392, issue 3(2008):333-40

c) Morin, Xenia: genetically modified food from crops: progress, pawns, and possibilities”, analytical & bioanalytical chemistry 392.3(2008) : 333-40. academic search complete. web 22 Nov. 2209

d) Morin X. ”Genetically modified food crops:progress, pawns and possibilities”; analytical & bioanalytical chemistry 392. 3 (2008): 333-40. academic search complete. university of university college. 22 Nov. 2009

30) you need to find a scholarly article on the laws and regulations governing genetically modified organisms. Based on the citation information ( to help determine if it its scholarly) and article abstract( to help determine if it is relevent) below, this article is

citation information: state of exception in the regulation of genrtically modified organisms in brazil. By: Pealez, victor. science & public policy )spp), feb. 2009, vol. 36 issue 1, pp.61-71

author (prof. Victor Pelaez) affiliations: department of economics; federal university of parand; av.pref. Lothario Meissner 632, 880210-170 curitiba- pr, brazil

abstract: the regulation of genetically modified organism (gmos) in brazil has involved intense disputes between the three branches of government (leggislative; executive, and judiciary), this process arose out of a class-action suit that overuled a decision authorizing the commercial release of gm soybeans by regulatory body.

a) relevant and scholarly

b) relevant but not scholarly

c) irrelevant but scholarly

d) irrelavant and not scholarly

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