Throughout this course, the breadth and depth of your knowledge with regard to aspects of culture and diversity—race, economic level, social class, family background, language, gender, sexual orientation, abilities—has grown. However, it is the role of professionals in the early childhood field to not only understand and respect the diversity of children and families with whom they work, but also to help build a community of people who recognize and respect each others’ cultures and diversity as well.
This week, your study will focus on powerful learning resources that offer information, insights, and practical advice about creating such a community through multicultural education. You will consider the role of significant adults in children’s lives and contemplate the influence that you can have as a professional working to help foster understanding and counteract bias. And you will have the opportunity to reflect on what you have learned in this course—the attitudes and perceptions you had when you began, the insights and knowledge you have gained, and the ways you will use what you have learned in your work as an early childhood professional.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Reflect on what they have learned and experienced in the course, explain new insights, and apply new knowledge
Reflective Journal: Final Course Entry
Throughout this course, you have completed journal entries that were both introspective and autobiographical in nature. Reread your entries for Weeks 1–4. Reflect on how well you were able to describe who you are and the ways that you are growing with respect to your understanding of race, social class, gender, sexual orientation, cultural and linguistic diversity, and abilities and disabilities.
Your fifth and final journal entry asks you to reflect on the personal and professional insights you have gained throughout the course and respond to at least two of the following questions:
How will this greater awareness of yourself and your strengths, challenges, and comfort levels influence your life and help you relate to and work with children and families of all backgrounds, cultures, influences, preferences, and readiness levels?
What kinds of professional development will you seek to help you continue to grow in your personal and professional knowledge of issues related to race, social class, gender, sexual orientation, culture, language, and abilities and disabilities?
What considerations will you need to keep in mind during your ongoing quest to understand children as unique individuals and foster not only their healthy development but also take an active part in creating caring, responsive, and collaborative communities in your future professional setting?
Assignment length: 1–2 pages