write a one page essay in which you analyze the similarities and/or differences in how Dario and Asturias construct a Latin American identity

Feb 5, 2025



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write a one page essay in which you analyze the similarities and/or differences in how Dario and Asturias construct a Latin American identity
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In this class we have so far focused on two Latin American literary movements: modernismo (1880s-1910s) and la vanguardia (1920s). For modernismo, we read Ruben Dario’s prologue to Profane Prose and Other Poems titled, “Liminary Words,” and his poem “Sonatina;” for la vanguardia, we read Miguel Angel Asturias’s short story “The Mirror of Lida Sal.” Focusing on these writings, write a one page essay in which you analyze the similarities and/or differences in how Dario and Asturias construct a Latin American identity. Make sure to include an analysis of the literary techniques employed by the authors such as, metaphor, simile, etc.

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