- 250 word (minimum) response to each writing prompt below. You must meet the minimum word count for each response to get full credit.
- Use only the assigned readings unless otherwise instructed.
- Your responses must include quotes from each text used to get full credit. Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.
- Put all writing assignments in ONE Microsoft Word document, and identify your work
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writing assignment American Lit
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1. Franklin and Red Jacket both support and defend the Native Americans. What arguments do they make in common? What prompted the writing of each piece? Do you find both authors reliable? Why or why not?
2. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is an argumentative essay. What argument is Paine making? How does he structure his argument? What do YOU think is his most persuasive point and why? NOTE: You MUST include the exact quote that you found the most persuasive.