you do not only correct my grammar not also make paper

Apr 10, 2024

Please correct response paper , you do not only correct my grammar not also
make paper more meaningful.(I think I miss some explain but I donot know
where) This is a Literature response paper. Before that you must know or read
the story BARTLEBY THE SCRIVENER. And Yellow Wallpaper. The thesis from
the article Arnold Bennett. "Irony." from the book David Lodge “The art of
fiction” At last please make the MLA format to cite words. That paper actually
use two story to response the Irony

Irony is a rhetoric method in writing. It intended meaning opposite or little
meaning of a statement. According the article “Irony” by David Lodge, we can learn
how to use irony in rhetoric. “IN RHETORIC, irony consists of saying the opposite of
what you mean, or inviting an interpretation different from the surface meaning of
your words”(180). From Lodge’s point, using irony can “discovering the reality that
underlies appearances”(180). Lodge shows us that the ironic comment play a key role
deepening the story’s meaning.
“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman also represent the ironic of
society through the story. The woman in the story is like lacked by her husband in a
big house. Her husband tells her that she has a nervous disorder and she must live
here for treating. But the woman insist that she is not sick. The irony is that the how
the women really does not believe his husband she still obey to her husband because
“If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives
that there is really nothing the matter with one, but temporary nervous depression—a
slight hysterical tendency—what is one to do?” (113). It also reflect that in 19th
century in the USA, the women has treated unfairly or discriminated against in the
society. When the women live in the house and she irony that “John is a physician,
and perhaps—(I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and

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a great relief to my mind—)perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster”(113).
Although her husband is a doctor, he does not allow the women do her work including
her paper work. Then, she observe a woman “creeping” out of wallpaper. She believe
there is another woman behind the paper “and she is all the time trying to climb
through. But nobody could climb through that pattern-it strangles so”(123). That
reflects that the narrator wants to escape the house and break free from his husbands
suppression. At last the woman being free because she get out of the house “I’ve got
out at last,” said I, “in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so
you can’t put me back in” (126). In fact, the narrator has became insane at that time.
The story shows how women are oppressed in the 19 th century society and it also
reflects a woman’s struggle against gender discrimination.
Another the story “Bartleby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville is a irony story.
In the story, the narrator, an elderly lawyer, emphasizes on the story of one of his
scriveners, Bartleby, who present his isolation. The story have others characterNippers, Turkey and Ginger Nut. Nippers and Turkey have different personality.
Nippers is calm and Turkey always angry. Ginger Nut is the youngest boy in the
office. He most duty job is running around to get the snacks for other clerks. Bartleby
work as a copyist and he always refuse to do others office tasks. The lawyer and his
employees confuse why he do not others task. When the lawyer ask Bartleby to do
others office task, the lawyer always get the answer from Bartleby that “I would
prefer not to.” It is Irony that Bartleby does not get fired by the lawyer even though he
does not perform duties work like others normally worker. "I prefer not to," he replied

in a flutelike tone. It seemed to me that, while I had been addressing him, he carefully
revolved every statement that I made; fully comprehended the meaning; could not
gainsay the irresistible conclusion; but, at the same time, some paramount
consideration prevailed with him to reply as he did”(9). Bartleby’s decision is so
inhuman for the Narrator and his mind is unchangeable. At that time, the Narrator
want to comprehend the thinking of Bartleby, but he fail. The choice of Bartleby only
governed by himself and nobody know what he really want. The other Ironic thing is
that although Bartleby do not do the others office task, his wage is much higher than
others. “I owe you twelve dollars on account: here are thirty-two: the odd twenty are
yours–Will you take it?” and I handed the bills towards him”(19). Bartleby’ wage is
“usual rate of four cents a folio(one hundred words)”(12). It is obviously that thirtytwo dollar is much higher than his actual wage. It is unfair to the others copyist. At
that time, the lawyer still insist that “He is useful to me. I can get long with him. If I
turn him away, the chances are he will fall in with some less indulgent employer, and
then he will be rudely treated, and perhaps driven forth miserably to starve”(10). The
Narrator want to be a good person to help him so “he is useful.” If others employer
hire Bartleby, he must be fired. When he can not to do the copy work and the lawyer
thinks “He would do nothing in the office, why should he stay there? In plain face, he
had now become a minestrone to me, not only useless as a necklace, but affictive to
bear”(18). At this time, although the lawyer still sympathetic to him. Bartleby already
do nothing in the office. The lawyer decide to let him out the office, but Bartleby still
stay in the office. The lawyer choose move the office instead let him out. After

Bartleby dead ,the narrator learned about the Bartleby, a man who was thought to

have worked in a dead letter office before becoming a scrivener, and a man who must
have learned the ultimate truth from dead letters which could never reach the
destination. The narrator hence, pitied Bartleby and humanity by equating both of
them – “Ah Bartleby! Ah humanity”(30)!

Please made use the MLA to make my cite words correct 。。。。
Gilman, Charlotte P. "Yellow Wallpaper." from the book James Daley “The
World’s Greatest Short Stories
Herman Melville "BARTLEBY THE SCRIVENER." from the book James Daley
“The World’s Greatest Short Stories.”

Arnold Bennett. "Irony." from the book David Lodge “The art of fiction”

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